What Makes You Beautiful

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I laughed, and moved a Chess piece.

"Check mate." Liam sighed, and stood up motioning to Harry to take his place. Harry sat down and stared at me.

"Careful Styles, no one has ever made it out alive with me playing this game." His expression was dead serious, and he moved his pawn forwards. After a few moves, I knocked his queen down. He scoffed and moved his King away from me.

"Please don't kill me!" He gave me puppy eyes, and I giggled. I mouthed 'checkmate' and moved my piece closer. He squirmed in his seat looking for a way out. Then the table began to shake.  I gasped and tried to stop it, giving Harry a dirty look. He grinned mischievously at his accomplishment. I just stared back at him.

"Ughhhh fine, Niall you're up." He groaned and moved over. Niall took a deep breath and sat across from me. Louis rubbed my shoulders preparing me for my next battle. Or should I say victory.

"Loser goes first." I told him calmly. I could see a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Well then I guess you should move your pawns." He replied, looking sickly.

"Tough words for someone about to die." He glanced at Zayn who gave him a thumbs up. Not very reassuring. I can get slightly competitive when playing against boys. Well anyone to be exact. I moved my queen blocking his knight. This game was close, but I could see right through his plan. I watched him move his knight, just as I expected. I tried to hold in my laughter, but my face became red.

"Uh y/n? You okay?" I nodded holding my breath. I moved my knight around, using the path Niall had made unbeknownst to himself.


"Wait, no don't say it." He pleaded out of pure agony.

"-Mate." He threw his head back and the rest of the boys raised their hands in the air. Zayn bowed his hands as if to worship me.

"Shall we play some Poker? Maybe y/n isn't as good at that." Harry extended his hand to bring me to the table.

"I've actually never played that before!" As I told them these expressions of disbelief and fake shock flashed over their faces.

"Well that's good for us then!" Niall commented, his Irish accent very present.

Time skip

Niall's POV:

So, y/n eventually won Poker, and Go Fish, and Twister. Although I'm sure she cheated in Twister by pushing me over. She says otherwise though. We were seated in a circle around the room playing Cheat. Y/n was between Harry and Zayn. Harry really seemed to like her, he was a forward guy after all. I glanced at her as she laughed. She was in her natural environment, and I could see the beauty beneath her clumsy act. I caught her eye, and she smiled calmly. Her expression changed quickly though, as Harry began to tickle her and call her cheat. She laughed harder, her long hair splashing her face.
I wasn't sure how I felt about the 'Harry situation' though. I just wish I was sitting beside y/n. Y/n put her cards down smiling at us. She had a tell, and I knew what it was. When she lied she tucked her hair behind her ear. She was cheating, and I knew it. I didn't call her on it though. Why? She would have lost. Ugh I just need to clear my head.

"Hey guys? I'm gonna go get some food. What do you want?"

"SUSHI!" Y/n burst out, immediately covering her mouth. "I mean whatever you guys want. I'm easy, well I don't like really spicy stuff, but otherwise I'll eat anything. Unless you want spicy then I'm sorry cause I said that too early, I just get to over excited sometimes and I'll begin t-"

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