Orange Origins

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The abyss is dark... too dark to really see anything or anyone for that matter. I hit the bottom of it and the impact knocks the wind out of me. Shit. At least I am free to die down here, away from him. I smirk, closing my eyes carefully. My mind thinking back to what possibly could have gone wrong that one fateful day.

"Hey buttface! You're sitting in my spot!" His childlike voice echoes in my mind as though he were standing right before me in the abyss.

"Buttface? Really? Have you really ran out of good insults to use that you have decided to lean towards merging parts of the body together?" I look up at him, his eyebrows arch and squeeze together with anger of my unwavering movement. "Besides, if you want this seat so bad, you'll have to take it from me like the man you claim to be." I stick my tongue out at him and curl the left corner of my mouth into a smirk. He is not amused even more so now.

"Whatever, like I'd take a seat from a stupid know it all anyways!" He crosses his arms and turns his head away from me. While he implied that he was going to move, he remained where he stood.

"You really are just a little baby aren't you?" I roll my eyes with a little laughter, turning back to my task at hand - watching the newest and greatest children's show that there ever was.

"I Am Not A Baby! I Am A Man!" He stamps his foot down with anger, turning to face me completely again and thrusting his arms down beside him with hands balled up in fists. "And I will show you not to steal my seat!" He yells for all around to hear, the other children crank their heads towards us with wide eyes yet the adults remain unfazed by us - two children fighting over a single chair when there are others just like it all around us.

"Oh really? Because from my standpoint you are not being very mature right now." I comment, my gaze still glued to the scene in front of me, refusing to acknowledge his presence. "Although I do suppose grown men can be immature too... so I will give you that one."

He growls and pushes his hands against my shoulder, trying ever so hard to push me out of the seat. I plant my feet down sturdy against the ground and push my weight against his pushing - counteracting it all.

"Why don't you just let me have the seat! I am older than you and so you should respect your elders!!!" He whines, leaning his shoulder into mine and trying desperately to push me out of the chair.

"Why don't you stop this nonsense and take another chair? It's not like there isn't another available seat right there." I calmly reply with a hand gesture towards the closest available seat, exactly a foot space away.

"I don't want another chair! I want THIS ONE!" He screeches into my ear like a raging pterodactyl fighting against another one for a lonely little stump to sit on. "This one is MINE! So, why don't you leave this one for me and choose that one!"

He did have a point there.... Why didn't I move? Why did I wish to remain there? I could have saved us all the trouble and just moved seats. But I didn't.

"Because, you want it... so I want it." My child self replies in a calm manner. "Besides, why do you want it so badly? It's not like you carved your name in it, did a sacrificial ritual with it, and then called dibs on it!" I cross my arms.

Before he says anything else, I move the arm closest to him and I jab my elbow straight into his groin area. He reels back, releasing me from his grip and turns to his groin to soothe. He screeches in pain as he lies on the ground curled up like a petrified potato bug after it was flicked away by a bored little child.

"The heck you do that for?!?" He gasps and all the children around us scream, for he hath used the worst swear a child could ever use!

An adult walks over and picks him up off the ground and scolds him for using such a fowl word. I remain on the seat, my smirk growing ever so longer as the adult then drags him away towards the place where us children fear the most - the Time Out Centre. Only the really bad kids go there. Or at least... the mostly bad kids. For I have never once stepped foot in that most horrid place of evil.


Word Count: 800

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