You both briskly walked out of the dark room you were standing in... your heart was pounding. Solving murder cases were already difficult... but with a timer running down as well? Disastorous. 

"There's a floorboard just lying here." Rantaro said, noticeably panicked by the time-limit as well. He picked up the floor board and started to investigate it, while you peered into the gap that the floorboard was lying next to. 

"Rantaro, there's a something in here." You said, trying to keep your voice levelled, "Also, don't be too panicked, it's not like you." 

Rantaro paused for a brief moment, then let out a chuckle. "I wasn't aware that my panic was that noticeable, but alright (Y/N). Anyway what did you say? Also this floorboard does have a bit of blood on it... reasonably wet too." 

"I'll show you in a second, let me go grab...whatever it is." You took a cautious step inside the gap. When both your feet were in you crouched down  just enough to have your whole body underneath the dark room. You reached your hand to grab the object you had seen moments before. Of course, it was dark so you could barely see what you were grabbing, so when you fully placed your right hand around the object, you yelped when you felt a prick. 

"(Y/N)? You okay?" Rantaro's voice echoed from above you. 

"Y-yeah!" You said, trying to feel around for a safer way to grab this object. Feeling something other than metal you grabbed it, this time without hurting your hand. After you dragged it closer towards you, you got out from underneath and lifted the object outside from underneath. "Looks like this is our murder weapon." 

"It's a saw?" Rantaro said, eyeing the saw you lifted out, "I guess it would be pretty sharp too- you're bleeding!" 

"Huh? Oh...." You looked down at your hand that you felt a prick on before, there was a huge cut going from one end of your palm to another. "This isn't good." 

"That looks deep too... I'll go get a bandage or something!" Rantaro said, starting to leave. 

"No!" You shouted, "We don't have anytime!" But the cut wouldn't stop bleeding, so you took the cardigan off your shoulders, and ripped off the sleeve. You wrapped the ripped sleeve around your cut. Not the most sanitary thing, but the only option right now. "This will have to make do for now." 

"Fine. Right after the trial your treating that though." Rantaro agreed with a sigh, "Anyway, the saw must be the final murder weapon? And I guess this floorboard was used to knock them out?" 

"Does there seem to be like... two layers of blood?" You asked. "Like perhaps there's a bit of dried and a bit of wet blood mixed? Or is it just either or?" 

"It's wet. Slightly wet but still wet." Rantaro answered, "You think this was used to hit only Korekiyo then?" 

"Well... I really doubt Korekiyo used it to hit Tsumugi. Although... I don't know what could he hit her with. Obviously he cut her with saw but..." You trailed off. You also had the advantage of knowing that Korekiyo was planning to use his seesaw method to kill someone, which explains to you, why the floorboard is cut at least. But why would Angie know how to get the floorboard? Unless Korekiyo left it out by mistake.  

"Korekiyo is Tsumugi's murderer." You stated. "At least, that's my best guess."

"And then Angie killed Korekiyo?" Rantaro asked, "Why though? She could've just waited for the trial to be over... he'd be dead then... But... it didn't seem like she knew about the second murderer rule just yet." 

"I don't know... Let's head to the next dark room, maybe there's more information." You and Rantaro walked over to the final dark room, but before you could step in the announcement cut you off. 

"Ding Dong Bing Bong! I hope you all used your minutes wisely! The class trial will now commence! Please make your way to the Shrine of Judgement!" 


Not much information huh? Ten minutes was kind of cruel of Monokuma. Perhaps you'll learn more during the trial.

Any thoughts on Tsumugi's murderer? 


I also have an essay to write, but I decided to write this instead (Mainly because I'm procrastinating) ... so excuse me while I go do that. 

BUT! As always, thank you all for reading! 


Return, Retry, Restart...Continue? (Danganronpa V3 X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin