Chapter 2

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AN: I was young when I wrote this (like 2 years ago) and my writing seems to have improved...well probably not. Anyway on with the story
Jace Pov

The next day I made a conscious effort to be nicer and use less sarcasm around Clary but she just ignored me. So I walked to lunch feeling miserable, knowing that I only had one more class with her and that we didn't sit by each other at all. In fact we were on opposite sides of the room. Her by the window and me by the door. I just couldn't seem to make it up to her. I skipped getting my lunch in favor of sitting at the table with my siblings and scanning the room for Clary. My gaze landed on her jumping around her table excitedly and talking animatedly to Simon occasionally grabbing a bite from whatever god-forsaken school food was on her lunch tray. Then she glanced over to our table and got a glint in her eye that even I could see from half-way across the cafeteria. She looked at Simon and smirked before starting to walk over to the popular table.

When she got to the table she looked down at the chair in front of her and asked,"Is this seat taken?" The whole lunchroom quieted to complete silence. You could have heard a drop of blood hit the cheap faux tile. They quieted with good reason, to everyone else is it was just some nerd asking if she could sit at the popular table.

It made them even more surprised when I said,"No, nobody is sitting there." I wanted to see how people would react and I really did want her to sit down. What I did not expect was her to smirk and say thanks as she picked up the chair and brought it over to her table. It took me a few seconds to understand the purpose of this and when I did I laughed outright. Everybody in the cafeteria was just staring at me as I laughed a deep genuine laugh. That had a purpose, and not just the fact that she needed the chair. No, she could have gotten the chair anywhere, it was the fact that is was from the popular table. It was the fact that she made us think that she wanted to sit down with us, and not just take the chair.

It was the fact that she just set it at her table. The person wasn't even there yet. In a way she was implying that we didn't need the chair for our people, but that she did. It wasn't just a message it was a challenge. A challenge about the hierarchy of the school and who really deserved to be on top. The cheerleaders by the looks on their faces didn't get it and I wasn't going to explain it to them either. I didn't want a target put on her back no matter how many statements she made. After I had calmed down, only an occasional chuckle making its way out of my mouth, I quickly and quietly explained the challenge to my siblings.

Which then made Izzy laugh and say,"Girls got some balls. I feel like this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!". The three of us just chuckled and then got up and went to our class. We had AP psychology next with Mr. Wayland. It was the one class that we all had together, which was one of three classes that I had with Clary. We all sat down and waited for the students to start trickling in. When they were all seated, the teacher walked in. The teacher started talking about the semester project that we would be assigned today and that we would work on for the rest of the semester.

"This project is worth 50% of your final grade so be prepared to work hard. The project we will be working on is matches. Who is your most compatible in this classroom? That is what we are going to find out. Now the matches may not be a boy and a girl. It could be a boy and a boy or a girl and a girl. It all depends on the compatibility between the two people.",  Mr. Wayland started handing out papers as he continued to talk,"these are some basic questionnaires, that you will need to fill out and turn in. I will match you with your match this class period and I will explain the rest of this project then." I ran a eye over the questionnaire and started filling it out, at best as I could. After I was done, I turned it in and waited for everyone to hand theirs in. We all quietly waited for the teacher to "Match" them as he would say.

Mr. Wayland stated very frankly,"Now let me explain what the rest of this project is you will be in a relationship with this person, in a way, you'll be married. You don't have to participate in Physical contact beyond what you are comfortable with. But you will have to spend time with these people in and outside of school. You have to sit with them at lunch, I have informants that will tell me if you don't do these things and I will fail your project if I have to. Now as I said some of these may be same sex 'marriages'. If you have a problem you can get out now."

No one moved a muscle. "Great, Now onto the pairings, I have never had a perfect match at all, in all the years that I have been doing this with my classes. This year is no different. but I did have a near perfect match in this class, which is astounding in itself. The match is Mr. Jace Herondale and drumroll please..." I sat up straighter. This would be my match, I could see Kaelie and Seelie straightening up, looking at each other and thinking that one of them will be my match. God I hoped not. They were both fake blondes with even faker tits. The teacher continued," Mr. Herondales match is....Miss Clary Fray." Complete silence. Clary just sat there looking at Mr. Wayland like she didn't comprehend what he exactly meant.

"Well come get your papers." Mr. Wayland said shaking the papers in emphasis. Clary and I both stood up, got our papers, and went back to our seats. Except Clary didn't just stop there, she picked up her backpack, opened the window by her seat and hopped out, walking calmly toward the parking lot. All the class heard in the utter silence was the roaring of a motorcycle peeling out of the high school parking lot.

Into the silence I exclaimed,"Am I really that bad?" the looks from my peers, besides Kaelie and Seelie who looked a little put out, said it all. Yes I was that bad. The rest of the day was a blur and it was bad enough that the whole school was talking about it but when I got home Alec and Izzy were talking about their matches, and in whispers, mine. Apparently Izzy had gotten paired up with Simon, so yay for her. And Alec got some sparkly dude named Magnus, all I knew was that as much glitter that Magnus wore, there was no way that he was entirely straight. Or maybe he was just in touch with what society would consider his femininity. I mean who was I to judge. But, I thought I heard Magnus refer to himself as a "freewheeling bisexual" to Alec when they were discussing their "marriage" earlier. I just went right up the stairs to my room, avoiding Maryse and Robert and ignoring them when they asked why I looked so upset.

I then heard Robert ask Izzy,"what crawled up his ass and died?"

"Robert! Don't use that kind of language...but Isabelle answer the question" Maryse said

"When he wants to tell you he will." Merely said my loyal sister that I love so much. That was as much I heard as I slammed my door shut and got ready for bed, there was plenty of time to worry about psychology class tomorrow, but for now I needed sleep.

AN: this seems so bad, oh my gosh. Until next time peace ✌️

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