20. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰, 𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏

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ANNE SHIRLEY CUTHBERT sat still in her bed, staring at her wall for what felt like an eternity. Marilla had only been gone for about an hour, but it felt like the longest hour of her life. Peeking out the window to see if Marilla was heading towards the house with a smile on her face, but turning back towards the wall when she saw nobody.

She sighed, not being able to ignore the hollow feeling in her chest. It all had happened so quickly. Her and Gilbert in each other's arms, feeling like a fairytale. Then, the villain came marching in and tore them apart from each other. She couldn't process the fact that she couldn't see him until she was finished with her school year. It was only winter break.

"Anne! Please come downstairs!" Too wrapped up in her thoughts, Anne hadn't noticed the door opening and closing, feet shuffling inside. Anne sprung up and rushed down the steps, tripping over her feet as she descended the staircase. She stopped at the bottom once she saw Marilla and Mrs. Lynde sitting at the table. She almost went back up to her bedroom, but the cheery expressions on the ladies in front of her kept her still.

"Yes?" She said, a hopeful glint in her tone that made Rachel Lynde smile.

"Please, sit down." Mrs. Lynde said, gesturing to a chair at the table that was slightly pulled out. Anne walked over to the chair and sat down, her seat facing the two women who look oddly excited.

"Mrs. Lynde would like to say a few things to you, please remain calm. Let her say what she has to say." Marilla reminded, turning towards Rachel.

"Anne. I'm very sorry for the way I reacted. I now understand I didn't have any right to meddle into your relationship. I guess I've been so caught up with trying to make sure all of the young couples behave appropriately. I overreacted about you and Gilbert. You weren't doing anything wrong, and I let my...ways get in the way. I'm sorry." Mrs. Lynde apologized, scratching her ear as she smiled at Anne. Anne's heart raced. Was Mrs. Lynde saying what she thought she was saying?

"Do you mean that I..." Anne trailed off, too dumbfounded to finish her sentence. She looked at Marilla, who was smiling evilly as she soaked in Rachel Lyndes, very sincere, apology.

"Yes. You may see Gilbert. Thank Marilla for this, she set me straight." Rachel side eyed Marilla, who in return, triumphantly snorted.

"I thought I would've never lived to see the day that Rachel Lynde admitted I was right. It feels good." Marilla laughed when she saw the look on Mrs. Lyndes face. The two ladies turned towards Anne, who was saying nothing.

"Anne? Are you alright?" Marilla asked, tilting her head at Anne who was staring into space. Mrs. Lynde snapped her fingers in Anne's face. Anne jolted back as she came back to her senses.

"I need to go see him! Bye!" Anne said as she grabbed her coat and flew out the door. Marilla and Rachel didn't protest as they watched Anne run outside.

Anne ran to Gilberts house as fast as her legs could carry her. She couldn't even feel how tired she was as she ran, she was only focused on getting to him. She stopped as his house came into view, putting her hands on her knees as she worked to catch her breath. She resumed her run, shouting Gilbert's name as she neared the house.

"GILBERT! GILBERT!" She shouted, and the boy came tumbling out the door, looking around to see who was calling his name so frantically. He smiled as his Anne came running up the path.

"Anne? What are you doing here? We're gonna get in trouble!" Gilbert emphasized as Anne threw her arms around him. He returned the hug and wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her nature-like scent he had missed dearly in the past few days.

"Mrs. Lynde came by after Marilla spoke to her. She apologized and said we could see each other again. Can you believe it Gil?" Anne squealed, entering the house, Gilbert following her and closing the door.

"Mrs. Lynde apologizing? I can hardly believe it." Gilbert said, struck by the fact Rachel Lynde felt sorry for her actions. He could hardly believe his love was standing in front of him with bright, wide eyes.

"Well you better believe it! I've missed you." Anne said shyly, playing with her wrist.

"Anne! I'm so glad you're back! I was starting to get annoyed and tired of Gilbert's sulking." Bash smiled, emerging from the hallway.

"I was not sulking." Gilbert spat, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. Anne looked at him with a knowing smile, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes you were! I could hear his cries from downstairs. I had to check up on him every once in a while, to make sure his sheets weren't soaked with his tears." Bash said to Anne, ignoring Gilbert's waving hands, trying to shut him up.

"Well, I would love to hear all the embarrassing stories you have of Gilbert." Anne laughed when Gilbert rolled his eyes, pouting like a toddler.

"Fine, Anne Shirley Cuthbert. I may have to pay a visit to Marilla to dig up any stories on you. I'm sure she has plenty." Gilbert teased, shrugging his shoulders.

"Not a chance!" Anne gasped. There was a knock on the door, and Anne saw two shadowy figures at the door. She opened it, seeing Rachel Lynde and Marilla. Gilbert moved to see who was at the door, raising his eyebrows to see Mrs. Lynde with a smile on her face.

"Gilbert! I've already spoke to Anne, but I would like to speak with you too. I brought Marilla along with me as you can see." Rachel said, inviting herself in. Marilla followed in after, rolling her eyes. Anne closed the door, staying still in her place.

"Please, sit down. Do you need anything? Bread? Water? Apple?" Gilbert asked as he helped Mrs Lynde into her chair. Marilla left the room to see Delphine, leaving only Bash, Anne, Rachel, and Gilbert in the room.

"I'm alright. I've come to apologize for my actions." Rachel started as Gilbert sat down. Gilbert played with his fingers, not knowing what he should say.

"Um- it's alright. Really. I understand you were...shocked." Gilbert smiled as he heard Anne and Bash snicker in the corner.

"I overreacted and I promise I won't get into your business again." Mrs Lynde promised, but Gilbert knew not to hold her accountable for the promise she was bound to break.

Gilbert nodded and smiled. Mrs Lynde smiled and got up, going to see Marilla and Delphine.

"How long do you think she'll last until she breaks the promise?" Bash whispered as Rachel got out of earshot.

"A day or two." Anne and Gilbert replied in unison.

didn't proofread so it definitely has some errors

𝑰'𝑫 𝑭𝑶𝑳𝑳𝑶𝑾  𝒀𝑶𝑼,  shirbertWhere stories live. Discover now