Chapter 2: the places you have come to fear the most

Start from the beginning

" And Nathan threatens you" Junk said thinking about the way Nathan seemed to be threatened by the thought of Lucas joining the team and still underestimated how good Alex might be on the team

" You play him right here one on one for him fo bust your nose up and for Alex to step and beat his ass then you both join the team" Mouth said thinking about that night and how unbelievable it had been

" And now it's the first game and we aint gotta come? Um-um. We goin'. This game is for all of us" Skills said as he thought about how there was nothing that was going to stop them from supporting them

" I guess we better go then.... please tell me that you're as nervous about this game as I am" Alex said as she watched as Lucas caught the ball that Skills had tossed to him as she grabbed her bag

" of course, I am... do you think either of us will get to play?" Lucas said as they headed towards the tow truck that Keith had let them use for the night since he knew they would go to the River Court before the game

" you'll probably play before I do, someone will object to be me playing... a player on their team or ours or a coach or Dan maybe" Alex said as they got into the truck as she thought about the game ahead

Soon Lucas and Alex arrived at the school with plenty time to spare as they got ready for the game, although Alex's locker was with everyone else's Whitey told to her to get changed in the girls locker room before joining the rest of the team except when Alex went to get dressed in her blue sports bra, her white shorts that matched the Ravens uniform although hers were more fitted than the boys were and it was only when she went to put on her basketball shirt that she realised she didn't have one. Alex decided to grab her things to head back into the locker room that held a group of hormonal teens that began to cheer and whoop the moment that they saw her in her sports bra causing her to roll her eyes at their immature behaviour, she also couldn't help but notice the way AJ reacted to the way the rest of the boys on the team were treating her as if he almost angered by them.

" keep your little hormonal eyes to your hormonal little selves!" Whitey said as he came out of the office to see what all of the noise was about to see how uncomfortable Alex was and how angry Lucas was

" thank god, one more cat call and someone was getting punched" Lucas said trying to control his anger as he thought about how none of them seem to understand that Alex was still his twin sister

" Scott!" Whitey said as he gestured for Nathan to not come before nodding towards the twins to come into his office to end the confusion of having three players on the team with the same last name

" I can't believe the bastard spawn's on our team" Tim said to Nathan who had only recently arrived since none of the players that were loyal to Nathan could believe that Whitey had actually allowed them on his team

" For now..." Nathan said thinking about the conversation he had had with his dad before leaving for the game as he knew that even their existence on the team might cause him to be off game slightly

" and what about the little bitch, huh? Are we really going to let a girl play with us?" Tim said not noticing the way AJ's knuckles got tighter when he heard Tim calling Alex names like that

" talk about her like that again and see what happens!" AJ said as he pushed Tim against his locker before letting him go and walking away but made eye contact with Alex as she headed into Whitey's office

" You nervous?" Whitey said to the twins once they were both in his office as he wondered what was going through their heads since it was their first game and there was a lot standing in their way

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