"Well, for one, I dislike coffee. So much. Second, I wanted to work in a bakery. I love baking and I had been distancing myself from it because... well, I had been and when I saw the flyer on how you wanted to hire someone, I just felt like this was my chance, you know? Before I go off to some university or whatever," he shrugged as he pulled me up from where I was laid on the couch. 

There was something indecipherable in his face that I couldn’t figure out.

"Oh, that's nice," I said as I followed him to the doorstep. After we had got our shoes on and washed our hands, Noah slipped his hand into mine and led us to the garage. He got out his bike and two helmets. He strapped his on easily but I struggled with mine. 

After two tries, I was ready to scream into a void. 

Gods, why was I being an embarrassment? 

Noah laughed quietly as he took a step forward in my direction. He eased away the straps from my hands and gently said, "Here, I got you." 

His fingers touched my face only lightly but the way he tilted his head and bit his lip in concentration made my stomach roll. This boy, with his beautiful raven hair and big brown Bambi eyes, was going to be the end of me. 

"Thanks," I mumbled once he stepped back. He hopped on the bike and I followed his suit. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to ride on and I was questioning why I agreed to it but wrapping my arms around Noah was a definite plus. 

I didn't have a fear of falling off but I just had an excuse to wrap my arms around him, you know? Better safe than sorry. 

The journey home was silent with my hair being whipped by the wins. It was the nice kind of quiet where I didn't feel awkward. We were both just there and dare I say, it felt freeing. 

I asked Noah to drop me at the bakery. He had his shift there and Jay was probably hanging around too--he was mom's favorite. After I stepped down the seat, I handed him the helmet and took the Tupperware out of the basket. 

"I was hoping you would forget about that," he teased. 

"You wish, Scott." 


"I had fun today," I admitted, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Thanks."

"Me too," he murmured and leaned towards me. My stomach erupted into a thousand butterflies and my heart was running like it was Olympics. His lips brushed briefly against my cheek and I was immediately breathless. 

Before I would end up doing something I would regret--like kissing him in the middle of the street when there was a chance mom could be watching--I ran. 

I ran leaving behind a flabbergasted Noah Scott. 


"Why is my best friend such a big dumbass? A question I ask myself daily," Jay reiterated. "And oh, why am I friends with a dumbass is another question." 

"Jay," I whined. "Can you stop making fun of me now? Why don't we talk about your love life? How are things with Liam?" 

"Well," Jay drawled, knowing that the suspense was killing me. He rotated his spoon inside the coffee mug. "Why should we talk about my un-spicy and usually existent love life? We should talk about your spicy and usually non-existent love life." 

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