The love potion

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This was a sds oneshot that was requested by IronTooth43

(Michael's pov)
Ritchie was constantly flirting with me as usual, trying win my affection. Of course, his efforts were futile. At least that's what I let everyone believe, including myself, for I was too nervous to admit anything else. As we trudged through the forest, weighed down by the exhaustion of the summer heat, the four of us fell into a peaceful silence. It was nice, yet something felt off. All that could be heard was the occasional snapping of twigs beneath our feet, alongside the casual chatter of small critters, hidden amongst the greenery. Suddenly, I could sense an unfamiliar presence within the nearby area.
"Defense positions; now." I barked out this order, shattering the calm atmosphere and shocking my teammates.
"What's wrong Cap?" David questioned, though he still drew his axe.
"Somebody is here."
Brandon nodded in agreement, as he pulled out chestafill.

I spun around effortlessly on my feet, my sword clashing with another. My attacker pressed all their weight against me, before using the momentum to bounce backwards, narrowly avoiding a heavy blow from the sin of pride. Landing gracefully on their feet, their eyes briefly scanned all four of us, clearly searching for an opening. A smirk flashed across their face and they darted foward directly towards me. I was amused that they thought they could defeat me in a battle. However, as I raised my weapon to counter their attack, I was caught off guard by their sudden change in direction. My sword slammed into the dirt. I heard a commotion occurring behind me, so I yanked my weapon out of the ground, turning towards all the sounds, to see Ritchie pinning our attacker to the ground under his foot. Their sword was a few feet away from them, just barely put of reach, until Brandon picked it up.

"Nice job lust boy." David stated, with a surprised look on his face, which probably mirrored my own.
"Don't act so shocked. I do know how to fight believe it or not." He smirked, pressing down harder on our attacker, who was struggling to escape. Now that I wasn't focused on protecting the others, I was able to examine this stranger. She was a female that appeared to be roughly the same age as the four of us. From a quick glance at her attire, I assumed that she belonged to the poorer class. It was rather plain and simple, excluding the necklace she wore, which seemed to glow in the sunlight.
"Clearly she is just a peasant girl trying to rob us." I stated, brushing dirt off of my clothes.
"What should we do with her then?" Brandon asked through a series of yawns.
"Probably best to lock her up for now. Who knows, she could be wanted for other robberies."
Everyone nodded, before David took a step closer to the girl, already holding handcuffs. I turned around and that was my mistake.

There was a thud, followed by a groan of pain and the sound of weapons being drawn. Before I could react, something was slammed into the back of my head, causing my entire vision to turn blood red. The voices of my teammates were overthrown by the persistent ringing in my ears. As I felt my body collapse, a pair of arms grabbed me, gently resting me on the ground. After a few minutes, my vision returned to normal, yet I still couldn't hear anything. The others were exchanging extremely worried looks, whilst their mouths moved and no sound came out. I desperately wanted to inform them that I was okay, but then this unexpected feeling washed over me.

(Ritchie's pov)
Michael was starting to look slightly better, though he continued to not respond to anything we were saying. After a few minutes of this, he snapped his eyes shut, clutching his head in pain.
"Cap?! Are you alright?!" David cried out in a worried tone.
No response. Again.
"That's it! We're taking him to Merlin, now." Brandon barked out several orders and we hurriedly followed them. I was too panicked to question how he was the one taking charge. The peasant girl had unfortunately escaped, so that just left us with helping Michael. Out of nowhere, there was a tight grip on my left leg. Looking down in surprise, I saw our Captain latched onto me, his eyes staring directly into my own.
The other two stopped rushing around and spotted the situation I had found myself in.
"Cap?! What are you doing?" the sin of pride question, looking just as confused as I probably did. He took a step towards us, causing Michael to hiss aggressively at him.

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