We were supposed to be forever

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(Michael's pov)
I can't believe she would do this to me. This has only been heard of a few times throughout all of history and I've never felt more betrayed. The sacred bond between an Oni and his Kitsune is supposed to be unbreakable, yet there I was, watching her leave with another man. Our relationship was supposed to be high above anything else in the world. There was so many expectations for the two of us, all burning in the flaming pit of my broken soul. I felt like nothing without her. What kind of Oni loses his Kitsune? I'm such a pathetic mess. Without me even realising, tears slipped down my cheeks, soon turning into a never ending waterfall. I slumped down against a tree, sobbing my heart out, or at least what was left of it.

A few metres behind me, another presence had appeared, but I honestly didn't care. Maybe if it kills me, all of this pain and hatred will go away. Burying my face in my hands, I prepared myself for the final blow. However, nothing ever came. Instead, a hand gently placed itself on my shoulder, before another pulled my hands away from my face. I was met with concerned baby blue eyes, gazing directly into my own.
"R- ritchie? What.....are y-you doing here?" I choked out between sobs.
"I was walking by and heard you crying. Are you alright Michael?"
Hesitantly, I shook my head, beginning to break down again. The werewolf wrapped his arms around me, encasing me in a warm, comforting hug. I rested my head on his shoulder, crying slightly less.

We stayed like this until I had fully calmed down. Leaning away from me, Ritchie looked at me once more, worry etched onto every part of his face.
"What happened? Did someone hurt you?"
I simply gave him a half hearted nod, which caused his eyes to shift to a dull green colour. He looked really angry, as I saw him trying to control his breathing. Then he began to claw at the ground. Werewolves were extremely dangerous when angry, so I took a moment to mentally prepare myself, subtly reaching for my weapon. Surprisingly, he simply closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths and opened them to reveal his natural iris colour.
"Sorry about that...I'm still getting used to controlling my stronger emotions." he gave me a a nervous smile, before turning serious once again.

"Where was I? Oh yeah, what happened to you?"
"M-m-my K-k-kit-kits-" I lost the ability to talk, with tears pouring out of me, choking me until I could barely breath. Ritchie pulled me into another hug, gently patting my back. It took much longer than last time for me to calm down, but he was patient the entire time. Finally, I was ready to talk, except this time he didn't move away from me, which I was perfectly fine with. Latching onto him, I began to speak.
"My Kitsune.....sh-she left me.."
"What?! I thought you guys had an infinite bond."
"So did I...." I mumbled with a certain emptiness to my voice. It just felt so hollow and lifeless.
"Well, she's missing out on so much by leaving you. In fact, she doesn't deserve somone like you. You're a thousand times better than she ever will be."
I was shocked at what he just said, wondering if he truly meant it.
"Of course" he had only just pushed away from me, allowing me to see his cheerful smile.

The way his eyes twinkled in the dim light made it feel as though a weight was being lifted off my shoulders. I let out a soft sigh, leaning back onto Ritchie. He let out a small squeak in surprise, making me giggle slightly. Despite how heartbroken I felt in that moment, he somehow helped me to feel safe and loved. We chatted for a while, with me snuggled into his side, as he leaned against the tree trunk. After an hour, my eyes started to feel heavy. I let out a muffled yawn, catching Ritchie's attention.
"Hey...wanna crash at my place? It's a lot closer than Bri's house."
I quickly agreed, taking the hand he had offered to help me up. Once we were both up on our feet, I refused to let go of his hand. He didn't say anything about it. In fact, he squeezed my hand gently for a moment, before leading me towards his house.

When we stepped inside, I saw Austin sat on the couch, watching some kind of action filled program. He energetically greeted Ritchie, but raised an eyebrow upon noticing me next to him.
"I offered for him to stay overnight."
I was expecting him to reveal what had happened between me and my Kitsune.
"Why not? He's a friend and he needed a place to crash."
I widened my eyes at him, to which he responded with a subtle wink.
"Fair enough. You want the couch Michael?"
"He's gonna watch a movie with me first, right buddy?"
Nodding my head, I allowed myself to be dragged upstairs and up a ladder to the attic.

Examining the room I was now in, I noticed it was quite small compared to the rest of the house. Piles of books were on either a desk or the floor, aswell as some other random objects. Up on one of the walls was a poster of a tv series.
"What's that?" I asked, pointing at it. His face seemed to light up due to that question.
"That's one of my most prized possessions. It's a poster of my favourite show called Chuck!"
That grin he gave me was contagious, causing me to smile too. He started to ask me about my thoughts on the show, only to give a purposefully over dramatic gasp upon discovering that I had never seen it, immediately dragging me over to his bed. Then he switched on the tv and we began a marathon of the entire series. For hours we sat there, huddled close together under a fluffy blanket.

In the morning, I woke up to find my head resting on Ritchie's bare chest. My entire body seemed to heat up. My heart started pounding faster and faster, as it became an increasing struggle to breath. I tried to sit up, but was stopped my the arm over my back. Two beautiful baby blue eyes fluttered open, looking into my own a hint of sadness within them. Realising what I was trying to do, he moved his arm and allowed me to get up. However, I placed it back on top of me, moving my head to its previous place on Ritchie. He gave me a tired smile, before drifting off to sleep again.

It was such a strange feeling; I had never felt so safe with someone. Whenever I was with my Kitsune, it seemed like I was being forced to stay and I was mistaking that for happiness. She had never felt down in my absence, asking me to stay with her. Suddenly, I was forced out of my thoughts, by the sound of the trapdoor  opening. It was the entrance to Ritchie's bedroom. Glancing upwards, I saw Austin, who was giving me a really confused look. He also seemed angry and gestured for me to walk over to him. I gently slipped out of Ritchie's grip, causing him to whine in his sleep. After a moment, I stood up, heading over to Austin.

"Care to explain to me why the hell you're in bed with my brother, whilst he's shirtless??!" he snarled at me, fire growing in his eyes. Before I could respond, we both froze upon hearing Ritchie moving. I spun around to see that he was still unconscious, although he was clearly stressed. His face looked pained, so I rushed over to his side, running a hand gently through his hair. Luckily, this worked and he became peaceful in his slumber once more. I let out a sigh of relief, right as I turned to face Austin.
"I think we should talk downstairs." I whispered, creeping towards the trapdoor. He nodded in agreement, following close behind me.

"Well do you have an explanation, or do I need to punch you right now." he asked, once we had reached his room.
"For starters, I'm an Oni. I doubt that you could harm me, at least not to an extent I should be scared of."
"Yeah well if you mess with my brother I become a MUCH more violent person than normal!!!" He had grabbed me by my hoodie, dragging me closer to him and lifting me off the ground.
"You may be an Oni, but I'm a Hellhound now. If you mess with Ritchie, you mess with my pack." His voice had become low, threatening in such a way that sent a shiver down my spine. Then he dropped me, yet I was able to land on my feet. I chuckled before responding.

"Well you've definitely got some backbone now Austin. Trust me, I have no intention of harming your brother."
"Then what happened last night."
"Well, I was upset, so he comforted me, then invited me to stay the night."
"Because your house is closer than Bri's."
"Well, what happened when you went upstairs?" He seemed slightly calmer, but still relatively angry.
"We watched Chuck and we must've fallen asleep."
"Heh, he does love that show. Lemme guess, you told him you'd never seen it, which ended in you being forced to watch it?"
We both laughed for a minute or two, before Austin turned serious again.
"I meant what I said before, even if this time nothing happened."
"Trust me, I will never purposefully hurt Ritchie. That is a promise"

(Author's note)
I enjoyed writing this, so I hope you all enjoy reading it! Have a lovely day/night! Also, this was requested by The_Munchi

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