The Old Day

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Old sweet Pea and reader

Riverdale had changed over the years, but the ionic diner was still in the same place. The streets, Riverdale high and even Picken Park stayed the same. But the people changed. Aged. The Serpent's group had trails, but with Jughead as king, then his son. All remained. 

Sweet Pea sat on the porch on the Southside. Once the Ghoulies were gone and Penny had been taken out. The Southside had been taken back, Serpent's and their children still going to school at Riverdale high but now it wasn't seen as a bad thing to live on the Southside. 

You sat by Sweet Pea's side, your youngest grandchild sitting on Sweet's lap as the old was on the stairs. 

"Grandpa tell us another story of your youth," (Y/GC/N) said looking up at you both. 

Sweets looked over at you, then to your son who stood at doorway. Sweet Pea hadn't seen life going this way, he always thought something bad would have happened. Or he'd be in jail like the other Serpents when you all were younger. 

Sweets thought about that, there were so many stories to tell. 

"Anything specific?" the man asked, looking to all the grandchildren around. 

"How about how you met mom," (Y/D/N) asked as she walked out of the front door, passing her brother and sitting on the swing. 

"Yes Sweets," (Y/N) said a smile on her face, "Do tell them."

Sweet Pea sighed knowing he wasn't getting out of this, "Well living on the Southside when we were younger was looked down upon. For a while, we even had our own school before the prison was built. The Serpents, wasn't a group people wanted to be around but (Y/N) she was different than most Northsiders."

"How different?" your youngest grandchild asked, her (E/C) eyes shining bright. 

"Most Northsiders turned away, or even tried to fight us. Treated us badly, but (Y/N), she was kind. She loved us even before knowing who we were. The jackets we wore were nothing, what mattered was our hearts. So, (Y/N) became mine, Fangs and Toni's friend. She hung out with us, came to the Whyte Wyrm-"

"Whyte Wyrm?" your oldest grandchild asked. 

"Back in the day, that was the bar we all hung out at. Well the Serpents hung out there, it was on the Southside. So when she started coming around, your aunt Toni had a way of setting people up. Or just setting us up. She invited (Y/N) to my trailer, telling her it was a "slumber party" as your Aunt would call it. But it had just been me..." Sweets trailed looking to you. 

"It was a surprise when I showed up to just see Sweets there. He looked like he had been in a fight, blood all over his face. I helped clean up his face, from then we had been inseparable. It had only been a matter of time before he asked me out," (Y/N) said looking back at her husband. 

They both smiled at each other, love shining in there eyes. The two would always have each other. Even when the town kept changing and people leaving or dying, those two never changed. 

The Serpent jackets still hung from the hooks, worn only when they went out. But as time marches on, they still held the love since that first day. Somethings will never change. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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