Rainbow meets her Sunshine

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It was a cold night. Celeste had been running for hours, trying to get to a camp she had been told of in a dream. It was called Camp Half Blood, and housed people like her. You see, Celeste was a demigod, and she had a power that made monsters smell her from miles away. She was currently being hunted by a hydra, but she didn't have any weapons other than that power. 

She passed by strawberry fields and large pine trees, filled with color that she was cautious of. She never wore bright colors because they would always fade. She was wearing a white shirt with faded jeans, and her favorite hoodie. The hoodie was apparently a gift from her missing mother. It was a dark grey with undertoning white.  No one knew why she wore it, only that she always wore it. Her shoes had long since worn out, since she had been running on foot from Alabama to wear she was now, Long Island.

The summer night was cold for some reason, and Celeste knew the hydra was still after her, even though the darkness engulfed everything. She was going to fall down and accept her fate, until she saw a golden fleece in a pine tree. Her dream had told her that the fleece marked the border of the camp. With the hydra no more than 100 yards away, Celeste ran for the tree.


Celeste woke up as soon as she heard the sound of hooves. She was in a bed in... gods know where. The light was shining through the small window of the room, and she could hear the sounds of other voices outside.

"Oh, you're awake." Celeste spun around at the voice. A man was in her room... or... half man. From his waist up, he appeared as a middle-aged man with a goatee, but below his waist was the body of a white stallion.

"Um... hi?" Celeste offered back. "I'm Celeste."

"Oh, I'm Chiron, and welcome to Camp Half Blood." He said with a soft smile. "Do you know what was chasing you?"

"A hydra... it'd been chasing me from Alabama." Celeste mumbled. She didn't want to remember what she had to go through to run from that thing. "Where is it, anyway?"

"Don't worry, I put our warrior Nico on that. Say, how old are you?"


"Ah, so is Nico. You two may get along well. Just remember that he's... easily angered." Chiron said. "Are you able to stand?"

"Yes sir." Celeste mumbled as she stood from the bed. She was still in her tattered clothing from her journey to the camp.

"Excellent. I don't think our informative video will work for you, so I'll just have Nico show you around. NICO!" Chiron called. A few grumbles were heard as a boy around your age stepped into the room. He had dark hair and a pale complextion. His eyes were a little sunken in, and he was wearing a dark skull shirt and black skinny jeans.

"So this is the new kid?" Nico said as he looked Celeste up and down. "She doesn't look like a fighter."

"I'm not... unless it's with knives." Celeste responded. Nico and Chiron glanced at her with a little worry.

"Um, okay. At least we know what weapon you can use. Come on, I'll show you around." Nico said as he gestured for her to follow. Celeste, not knowing where else to go, went after him. "So, you like dark colors?"

"Yeah, I have a bad history with bright colors." Celeste responded. Nico seemed to like that answer. He showed Celeste around the stables, infirmiry, arena, and fields. All he needed to show her now was the cabins.

"So, these are the cabins. Each demigod resides within their godly parent's cabin. Over there is the Hermes cabin, and that's the Posidon cabin. That's Zeus's cabin, and those are the cabin's of Apollo and Artemis. And that's-"

"Who's that?" Celeste cut Nico off as she pointed in between the Apollo and Artemis cabins. A sad looking girl dressed in grey and silver with a bright yellow sun on her arm was looking down and around the camp. She looked about fourteen herself.

"You can see her?" Nico asked in shock. Celeste looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"Yeah, can't everyone?" She responded. Nico looked down.

"No. She is a ghost who had no burial rights. Father told Charon to let her cross, but Charon didn't get the memo. She decided to stay around the camp and watch everyone. The only people who can see her are her older brother Will, me since I'm Hades' child, and the Hunters of Artemis. How can you see her?" Nico asked.

"Her aura. Ghosts let off auras that allow certain people to see them. I hate that gift, but I can control it, so I guess it's good. Her aura is really dark though, so she must be really sad." Celeste responded. Nico glanced at Celeste and shook his head with a smile.

"Whoever's child you are, it will probably be a shock. You're probably a kid from Apollo, but we can't be sure quite yet. Her name is Bliss. Go say hey." Nico told her. "I'll be in the Hades cabin if you need me."

Celeste nodded and looked back to the ghost. Bliss had her back turned, so she didn't see Celeste come up to her.

"Hi, I'm Celeste." Celeste mumbled, startling the ghost.

"Y-you see me?" Bliss asked.

"Yep! Now, I don't care how bad the afterlife is for you, you are going to be happy!" Celeste responded with a smile.

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