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Occasionally, it was tickling your nose, ever so gently brushing across it. It wasn't the breeze or even the man led next to you, but your cat Salem, who had disappeared for the prior nights and had now returned- demanding breakfast. Making his point clear, he decided it best to trample across the bed to where Hotch should've been but wasn't. It shattered and got you and the large black cat out of the bedroom immediately, where you followed him and found Hotch in the kitchen, whipping up breakfast for the three of you- counting Salem of course. He had dropped a glass and was talking hastily.

'I'm so sorry, Beck, this isn't what you need coming out of hospital,' you kneeled and ruffled his hair, trying to make him feel better.

'Hey, it's okay- it's just a glass,' and sat at the table to eat. You saw his phone was open on a Google page on 'What Cats Can Eat for Breakfast' which made you chuckle incoherently. He joined you at the table within minutes and laid down a steaming English breakfast, which was superb- to be most complimentary. Putting the dishes in the sink, you simultaneously heard something slide under the door; just about to get up, he sat you back down with a quick motion of his hand and went to get the letter. Handing it to you, you thought it odd it had no address written on it, so this person must've come up to your door to give it to you, and a red stamp on the back. Inside was a white piece of card with only one sentence on it.

'I think I'm going to be sick,' just making it to the bathroom in time. Hotch quickly followed and sat on the side of the bath, rubbing your back.

'I'm sorry, Hotch. You must want to get out of here.'

'What did the card say?' he said, with a stern expression.

'11th of August, just the date. The day my parents died. He's back. Oh god, he knows where I live now and-'

'-And everything will be fine. You'll come to stay with me for a while. I can't leave you here. I must keep you safe, and I will. I promise,' and it was clear, this man had grown softer over the prior years, maybe that was your effect on him, but oh, was it sublime. Leaving for the bedroom, you grabbed anything you would need whilst working again on Monday, that meant go-bag, clothes in general or whatever you could carry. After packing, you stepped into the hallway and heard him speaking, and as you peered around the corner, saw him bent down with Salem wrapped around his legs like a vine. You coughed sarcastically.

'I'm ready,' you said, acting as if you did not see anything at all- nothing whatsoever. Salem cried and you too kneeled to say goodbye for a few days, 'Bye Salem. You'll be a good boy for mommy, oh yes you will!' you babied him, making Hotch frown.

'Beck, what are you doing?' he pondered.

'Well I'm not going to see him so I was-'

'We're taking him with us. Jack's always wanted one and he can't stay here by himself,' he confessed, gesturing to take your bags so you could carry the tom. Hotch made for the front door but you stopped him.

'No,' you paused, 'There's a back way,' and you showed him the balcony stairwell, leading out back to a garbage area full of dustbins. He locked the door and followed you, tapping down the metal stairs in sync. Once at the bottom and nearly ready to leave, he told you to wait and brought the car around. Honestly, what was the point, it is a standard black...your thoughts were halted when it rolled up to the gate. Through a slit in the fence, you could see a silverish Mercedes rumble towards you, Hotch getting out and looking around. It was automatic- looking around- not the car.

               Neat and tidy, his apartment used to be like that but was overrun with toys and child nostalgia. You left his car with black fur over the seat, but he swore he did not bother; Jack ran towards you and plunged a hug around your legs- happy to see you.

'Oooh, Jack-attack!' you agonised, pretending to be hurt as he used all his force to hug you. The toddler ran off into another room and Hotch placed your bags out of the way.

'I'm going to give Jack a bath, are you alright in here?' he spoke with the child scuttling past him, holding a green rubber dinosaur.

'I'll be fine,' you nodded, and he returned it with a grin. About a half hour passed, and you were deep into a book when your boss walked in with a declaration- his t-shirt a little damp from the bath water.

'Jack wants to know if you want a pizza and pj night?' he rolled his eyes cheekily.

'You can tell Jack that sounds like a great idea,' you smiled from ear to ear.

'Great,' he paused, watching his son run in with his Captain America robe on an dive onto the sofa, 'I'm going to take a shower, and I'll order a pizza when I get out,' he said, clasping his hands to his waist. Mouthing, 'Okay,' at him, he left the room. Whilst he was gone, you picked out a movie with Jack and tickled him until he went wild. Sneakily, you grabbed a small packet of chocolate biscuits and shared them, making him whisper with you. You were spies, pirates, hiding the treasure from his dad. Hotch dried his hair with the towel and just as he was about to peek around the wall, he stopped to listen to you whisper.

'Now, we're going to share these before dinner, but we can't tell your daddy okay?' you planned with him. Hotch let his head fall back against the wall and it made a bump, making you hide the small packet so he wouldn't know.

'What are you two up to?' he said, suspiciously.

'Nothing,' you said in chorus, giggling when he looked away, causing him to squint and walk away giving you the eye- the minute he was gone you whipped out the packet and started cackling like school girls. When the pizza came, the three of you were sat on the couch together, laughing at the movies until Jack could barely keep his eyes open. Hotch put him to bed and made you a warm drink for the night; he caught you staring out of his window, peeling the curtain back slightly.

'See something?' he raised the stance.

'Hm? Oh, no. I just, can't really believe this is happening, you know. Thank you for doing this, Hotch. I should be out of your hair by the end of the week,' you stated. He was already shaking his head.

'You're staying as long as I feel you need to, and for now, that's a little while,' he stopped, looking at the clock, television and glancing back to you, 'Another movie?' he offered.

For a normal person's start time this Monday, it was hot, and the air was thick. Your boss refused to take off any piece of his suit and you had even rolled your sleeves up and were sat in the passenger side of his car, listening to the radio on the way to the office. Holding your briefcase with one finger over your shoulder, the two of you stepped into the building, meeting Garcia in the lift.

'Good morning, sir!' she praised.

'Morning, Garcia,' he glanced. Garcia smiled at you as you joined her, looking from you to Hotch and then back to you. She wasn't a profiler but was still trying to process- what was going on. He stepped out of the elevator in two strides, but the technician held you back.

'Did you two come in together?' she shouted, whispering.

'I don't know what you're talking about,' you lied, shrugging. Her face was astonished in a circular shape.

'You did come in together!'

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