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Back in the building, Hotch wanted to hear the connection you made from Henry to Jessica and validated it dearly. Staying rather quiet, you stood cross-armed staring at the floor, biting the inside of your cheek. It was no surprise who was observing you the entire time.

[ 'You need to put the knife down. Please, put it down, and we can watch a movie; would you like that?' you said, degrading your tone so that he would understand. No, he clutched the knife harder, and you lost all hope as he restlessly swung his arm around, the tip of the blade slicing the palm of your hand. 'I'm sorry Genie. I'm sorry, sorry, he's sorry!' 'It's fine, just go in there,' you ordered, and he left the kitchen. This was the third time that week. ]

Thoughts overwhelmed you, distracted you from the evidence. You had to go.

'Excuse me,' you said, nudging past Hotch and leaving the building. Carrying on the briefing with not one, but two Agents gone, Hotch followed you out and into the cold. Growing up in this part of the state until you were hired at the BAU meant the area was familiar. You were nowhere to be seen.

'Is that your signature drink?' a familiar voice pointed towards the whisky on the rocks with a twist, untouched in front of you.

'How did you know?' you raised an eyebrow at Rossi, he laughed slightly.

'Just thought I'd come and tell you we're meeting at 9am in the morning. We'll plan how to get Mayers into the building from there,' he said.

'He won't go for her during the school day. Maybe around 5pm. That's when he used to stay with her for counselling. They would draw pictures for the girls' bathroom,' you said, thinking it would be relevant.

'I'll tell Hotch,' he said, getting up.

'You do that,' you scoffed, swigging the whisky down with a burn.

Prentiss and JJ had just rung from Parsons' house, saying she wasn't there. She must still be at the school. You had set up a decoy receptionist to let Mayers in when he got there, saying Jessica was waiting for him. Two standard blackout cars rolled to a halt outside of the school where the three other agents and you got out, vests going on- guns loaded. Remember, he finds comfort in her. Where will he go? It's his memories; the girls' bathroom. What's the catch? Oh, he's afraid of guns. Holding a gun in his face with FBI printed on a vest would spook him. He would shoot.

'I think I should go in there and negotiate with him,' Hotch looked at you in bewilderment at the thought.

'Beck, I don't think that's-'

'He's afraid of guns and will panic if we send armed men in there. Please, Hotch. Let me do this,' you pleaded to him; he should trust you at least this once.

'Alright, but I want your earpiece in the whole time. Do you understand me?' he said, knowing disobeying could mean another plane talk, or worse, your badge. Taking the vest off and handing your gun to Reid.

'Hey, it'll be fine Hotch. Just...don't forget me, okay?' you reassured, checking your earpiece and moving in. He smiled half-heartedly as you turned away from him. In truth, Aaron Hotchner was scared. And he had every right to be- hindsight would've been a wonderful thing.

'I want full eyes on her. Get Garcia to let us have full security camera access, immediately,' he ordered. A red, rusty door creaked open and the whole building was empty. It was just you and him. You could do this. The earpiece rustled and Hotch began speaking.

'Beck, if you can hear me, turn to face that camera on your right,' which you did, 'We've just got word that Jessica Parsons has been located. She left early today,' Thank god.

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