Chapter 5 The Siege on Canterlot Part 1

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It was a total mess this place. Roads were out of the ground, buildings smashed to bits. The terrain was hard to traverse beside Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who could fly, and Twilight and Rarity who had magic. So that meant walking over for me, Applejack and Pinkie. Fun times. We ran through the streets looking around the place noticing multiple ponies running in the opposite direction. "Are you sure this is a good idea running towards all the mayhem?" "Of course it is Matt. We've taken down plenty of things." Applejack responded.

Then, green laser beams struck down at us and hit the ground exploding, making the ground shatter all over the place. "What on earth was that!?" "If its what I think it is then we might be in more trouble then I thought." Twilight just had to confirm my worries. We all ran as fast as we could towards the castle. As we arrived we went over a bridge and had arrived at the door which was shut. "Rainbow can you get that open?" Applejack mouthed over to Dash. "Sure thing Applejack." She flew to the middle of the two huge doors and started to push. "Girls we need to help her," I voiced. They nodded in agreement. So suddenly did a group of black creatures with green translucent wings, a horn, and holes in their legs appear out of nowhere and fired what appeared to be green magic at us. "Duck!" Fluttershy yelled out to us. "Hit the deck everypony!" Twilight shouted followed by hissing noises coming from the creatures who had wicked smiles on their faces. Pinkie took this semi-decent sized pink cannon out of her mane and shot it with streamers and confetti coming out if it blasting the disgusting things away. "What was that?" I questioned her and she responded with, "oh that was my party cannon and I never leave home without it.

"Ok." "It's open guys!" Rainbow Dash was already flying into the massive structure when I noticed they weren't in yet. We ran inside and closed the door behind us. "Let's get to the Elements girls. Oh and Matt." Twilight spoke as we ran up flights of stairs and went through many corridors. Finally we arrived at a long room that had a majestically decorated door. "This isn't quite what y' wanted was it Twi?" Applejack sounded concerned and Twilight looked defeated in a way that what she wanted wasn't here. "Don't tell me. The Princess's aren't here and that's what you wanted?" Twilight looked at me and nodded. "Crap." But we weren't out of the safe zone for long. Rarity was staring at some beautiful pictures in some of the glass windows. I took a look and saw what appeared to be the six of them using those Elements to take down what appeared to be a black and dark purple figure quite presumably Nightmare Moon. Then a shocked expression sprawled all over her face for in the distance was a massive black cloud moving towards us. "The hell..." The windows shattered and in poured dozens upon dozens of the small black creatures. The other windows on the opposite side blew open as well reveling even more of them. We bunched together in the center of the room surrounded by the dark figures. "Careful Matt these are Changelings." "What are those Twilight?" "Creatures that feed off love and can change into anyone." "Fantastic!" Green cylinders wrapped around these Changelings and when they were gone all that was left was multiple groups of me and the others. "Well shit." I muttered under my breath and then pounced on us. Immediately did the six ponies get right into battle and I was forced into a corner by a small group of them. By the way did I mention I don't fight in any situation? Well I don't.

I tried to keep up with the flurry of punches and kicks from the impostors that were me. Let me tell you it was quite painful. I was shoved down and they repeatedly kicked me so I put my hands around my head to avoid any major damage to the brain. They let go after a couple of seconds and that's when I leaped on to one yelling out in some sort of battle cry. I punched the hell out of it until it was scarred and bloody all over. I proceeded to punch and kick the others shoving them away if some got close while I was fighting others, and it felt good to finally release all that rage and anger that built up inside of me all those years. Though my triumphant effort was wasted as more came but not disguised and they shot their magic at me and the blasts had made holes in my plain white t-shirt and others made contact with my skin. A burning sensation hit when this happened and the pain rose higher and higher. I saw the girls fighting the main group and the were doing quite well against them. That's when Rainbow Dash had noticed me in trouble and she flew in over to me for help. So quickly did we take out the group by me together. "Thanks RD." "No problem sport." She went back to the others and that's when I saw something. I looked over to a nearby window on the other side of the room and saw a massive group coming towards the girls. I had to warn them. I looked over at them and yelled, "watch out you guys!" They saw and got ready for it. The windows bursted and glass went flying. The ponies had survived the first blow but that's when a group went through the back window on that side and the Changelings flew right into me causing me to crash through a window. I saw Fluttershy trying to grab me but some Changelings flew towards her to prevent it. I was falling down very fast and thought about my life because I knew it was the end of the road for me. Until, I crashed into something and was falling through it. Through the blurry mess of what I saw I could make out that I was falling through a very large tree. I hit multiple branches and it hurt like hell every time. I got out of it screaming for dear life and that's when I hit rock bottom losing consciousness instantly.

I woke up lying on a grass ground to birds chirping and the sun gleaming. I got up and looked at my surroundings. I was back on Earth. "They did it. They actually did it! I'm back home! Oh thank you Twilight and company." Mommy!" "What the.." I turned around to see what shouldn't be there... my old house. "No. No! NO! This can't be. It's impossible. I ran to the steps of the back door. "Mommy. Daddy. Stop!" "That voice. It cannot be. It simply cannot be. NOOO!!!" The house exploded into fire and the knock back sent me backwards into the ground. "Oof." I got back up and started moving backwards. I noticed a small child on the ground not breathing. Was that me? The younger me? Questions filled my mind. Then, out of the burning house came a dark black figure with pure white eyes walking towards me. It looked like me but without the facial expressions. It smiled and pulled something out from its left hand. A match. He put it against the fire near it and it lit. Then it threw it at the grassy ground where I was. The fire quickly spread and I tried to run but it made contact with me an I was lit on fire. I scream and hollered in pain as I was burning up withy skin crackling and everything else was falling off. I fell to the ground and raised my hand up desperate for someone. But the only thing that came was darkness.

I couldn't hear much and my head hurt like hell. A ringing sound was the loudest thing I could comprehend and my vision was blurry to the point that I couldn't see. After a while my vision was coming back and in the distance I noticed to tall figures fighting what looked to be Changelings. The closer I got the more clear the figures were. Turns out they were ponies fighting back to back. One was white with a light colored spectral mane and tail while the other was a light purple with a darker spectral mane and tail. I wondered who they were. The I noticed they both had wings and a horn, but what stood out the most was their crowns. Then I knew who they were. The ones Twilight looked for... the Princesses.

[Hey all you guys and girls out there reading this, Merry Christmas!" Right now it's about 12:20 in the morning and I'm still awake or trying to sleep because Santa. So why not update right? Maybe I'll see Santa himself? Anyways I wanted to say thanks to those who have read this and that feedback is always appreciated good or even bad and that a like will always make my day. So anyways guys happy holidays from Higgy and I'll see you in the next update.]

King Sombra's ReturnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora