Chapter 1 Crossover

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We started to walk down the forest path when I suddenly stopped for a moment. Red eyes stared at me. Gone. "Hey, something wrong?" "Wha... No. Not exactly. Lets move on." The forest had a path that lead to the bridge but it was a far ways away. Not many people actually came this far in. "Say do you see anything strange in here Jake", I asked precariously. "Not at all, why you ask?" "Oh forget it I just haven't gotten much sleep at all", I accidentally chuckled at the end of the sentence. What a terrible lier I was.

After what seemed liked forever we got there. "Well start walking", Jake said nudging my shoulder. "All right all right!" I cautiously walked on to the wooden bridge inching my way forward. It seemed to make time go so slow and I was becoming quite nervous. Dense fog was drifting on the other half of the bridge and I felt some touch my face due to a small breeze coming from the north. Then, I stopped. "Hey are you okay over there?" I heard him holler to me but I didn't reply.

I recalled the words from my dream. "How does it feel to know that you're inevitable demise is coming yet you can do nothing to stop it?" Fear flooded into me like a tsunami flowing easily into a large city [not being mean towards Japan at all (or was it China)]. I couldn't continue yet, my legs moved forward. The bridge started to creek multiple times. Almost halfway is what I thought.

Then *snap*. The part in front of me broke off making the part of the bridge I was on swing backwards. I fell but turned around quickly enough so that I could grasp on to the bridge part that I was standing on. I started to climb up, using all my strength to get me almost to the top. Then I saw Jake slide down onto his stomach and reach his right arm out. "Holy crap grap my hand Matt!" "In trying", I told him struggling to do so. A board I hung to snapped and my left arm was all that was keeping me from plummeting into a cold river of death. "Jake it's no use anymore. This is all pointless. My life is a waste, I'm a waste. I'm useless now, with nobody to care for me, no one that looks out for me accept you, and the fact that my life sucks. I should just fall and die here."

"NO WAY!!" Tears started to form in his eyes (that's a first). "I will not let you die like this okay. You're my best friend and I swore that I would look after for you forever and I can't break that promise. Just please reach my hand and I'll pull you up. Please Matt don't let yourself die like this!" "I'm sorry Jake, I truly am." "Don't you dare let go! Don't even think about it!"

"I'm trying not to..." Then, the board broke. "Shhhhiiitttttt!!!!" My voice echoed as I fell down into the icy river. As I hit the water with a hard smack I heard Jake's distant voice which sounded like a scream. I tried to swim up but there was a current bringing me farther down into the water.

I was running out of breath so I had to open my mouth but only water came in and I felt myself slowly losing consciousness. Everything started to go dark and I thought that I was starting to die a slow death. Then my eyes closed and all went pitch black.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a bed. Not realizing where a was I said out loud, "what a terrible dream that was". My eyes widened in confusion as I noticed my surroundings. I seemed to be in some sort of wooden library but that wasn't it. There was one small window to my left and I peeked to see what was outside. "Uh why must there be some slight fog today. Wait a moment that's odd. There was fog at the bridge too." "Oh hello up there you must be awake now, I'm going to be with you in a moment, I'm just organizing some books." The strange voice sounded below me and I knew that it must be the librarian. Though something was off about the voice. It was a girl probably out of college just recently but it sounded cartoonish for some reason. Though I decided not to think about it too much.

"Alright there we go, I'm coming up now." I heard footsteps... "Wait a moment those are hooves I'm hearing", I said silently to myself. As the figure appeared my mouth dropped down in surprise. "You're a..a..a PONY!!! What the heck! Where am I, who are you, and what the HELL is going on here!" I was freaking out, looking everywhere, and I was starting to feel nervous about this pony. "Well to begin you are in Equestria a place with"... "Equines", a told her so nonchalantly. "Yes that is right. Nice job smarty pants." I felt pride renter my soul and it felt amazing.

"Know next question. My name is Twilight Sparkle and I am a".. "Unicorn that uses magic on a daily basis." I smiled at Twilight as a confused look spread across her face. "That's correct. Are you some really smart person or something?" "I'm not that smart but I do qualify in the smart people's department." I heard Twilight chuckle a bit. "On to the last question. I don't know how you got here." "Wait what?"
[Edit] A.N.- Hey thanks for reading guys I really do appreciate all the reads that I get and hope that you will continue reading. The writing right now is sort of crappy but it will be better in the future. So I hope you all have a great time. -Higgy

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