12. Framed - Alvaro

Start from the beginning

I threw my head in my hands and just bawled my eyes out. I fixed myself up a bit and read the comments again. "Who broke your phone, Alvaro?" I read, and shook my head. "No, the guy who framed me." I said, scrolling to read more. "Okay, guys but like if she was lying why would she be so hurt about it? She seems like she's telling the truth." I read, and I nodded. "I am, I honest to god am telling the truth. If there's a way I can get my phone fixed with everything still on it, I could prove it but I don't know how or where." I started crying again. "Alvaro has no idea how much he means to me. I would never ever stoop so low to hurt him. He was the best thing to ever happen to me. Our 8 months was coming up and I prepared him a gift that I knew he would really like. It took so much time and effort." I got up to go grab the box that I was going to give Alvaro. Then sat back down to show the live. "He would've loved this." I said, tearing up again. The comments were flooded with "Aw!" and "Omg, yn 🥺" I was expecting hate comments, but there still was none.

I stayed on the live for a little longer, then ended it when Sadie said she was close. While I waited, I decided to look for the broken phone. Maybe she knew how to get it fixed but keep everything on it. After what seemed like years of looking for it, I finally found it. At the same time, the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and let Sadie in, we then came back up to my room. "Do you know how/if I can get this phone fixed? There's proof that I never cheated on Alvaro in here." I asked her, she thought about it for a minute. "I think so" She said, grabbing her keys. "Perfect." I said slipping on my Van's and grabbing the charger to it.

We ended up going to this place that's really good with fixing phones at a really good price. I had the money for it, so I just decided to get it fixed.

We waited for about 2 hours and it was done. "Thank god!" I said to myself. We were hungry so we decided to stop and get some food before going back to my house to go through the stuff that I need.


"So, how should I get this to him? How do I show him that I'm innocent?" I asked sadie. She thought for a second. "Try calling him. Alvaro has a heart. I'm pretty sure he will answer you." I sat silent for a minute. Then I thought about it. She's right. I was hesitant at first, but I did it anyways.

After the second ring, alvaros voice came through the other line. "Hello?" He said, you could tell he was crying. I almost choked up myself. "Alvaro, I know I'm the last person you want to be talking to right now but I need you to listen to me. You know that phone that was broken of mine?" He mumbled a "yeah" and it just broke my heart more. "Well, there's proof in there for you. It will show you that everything (you choose his name), claimed, is fake. There's texts, dates, instagram dms, anything you need. I haven't charged it and turned it on yet but if you want to go through it to see for yourself that I've done nothing but tell the truth, it's all yours or even one of the boys." I offered.

It was silent for a minute, then I heard alvaro talk again. "The boys are over here, but come over and bring it." He said, his voice was a little louder. "Okay, I'll be there in like 10 minutes." We hung up the phone and I went to make myself somewhat presentable but comfortable:

" We hung up the phone and I went to make myself somewhat presentable but comfortable:

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I made sure I grabbed both of my phones and the charger. Sadie drove to Alvaros and when we got there, my heart was beating so fast. I can't believe this is really happening to me. I have to prove myself innocent over something I never even did. I sat there for a minute, but realized that I eventually had to get out.

We made our way up to the door, and I hesitated on knocking so sadie did it for me. Alvaro opened the door, he seemed sad still. I broke my eye contact with him because it just broke my heart knowing that he was hurting and for no reason. He let us in and we all headed up to his room. All I could think about was our memories. I awkwardly stood there because nobody was talking to me.

I took the charger and the phone out of my bag, and sat it on the desk he had. "Here, I'll just leave it here. It's all yours. Since I'm clearly not wanted here." I was getting ready to walk out when Alvaro spoke up, "No, please stay." He said, with his voice cracking. I missed him so much I could cry.

Mattia was the one that was going to do the snooping, "shocker." He waited for it to charge up a little bit, and then turned it on. "What's the password?" He asked, sitting on Alvaros bed. "814253" I said, sitting down on the open chair. Sadie sat next to me. "Is there anything you don't want me touching?" He asked, looking up but not at me. I shook my head. "No, I told you. It's all yours." I played with my fingers as he went through everything he could. "Woah wtf." He said, and all I did was stare at the floor. "Can I take pics from my phone?" He asked, very concerned. I nodded.

It didn't take him very long to find everything he needed. He exited out of all the apps and sat the phone down. "She was telling the truth, bro. Those messages are fucking old and the ones that he showed us, dont match up to the ones that are in there." He said, throwing his head into his hands. All the boys were shocked. "I tried explaining to you guys. Why would I want to hurt you, Alvaro? I was so happy with you. Why would I throw that all away?" Tears were forming in my eyes, and they were forming in his too. He pulled me into a hug. We just cried.


Mattia, Alejandro, Kairi and Roshaun ended up confronting the guy and Mattia sent all the pics to the tea pages so that my name could be cleared. Apologies from everybody started pouring in but I didn't care about that. I wanted Alvaro back.

Later that night, he came over and we talked about it. He apologized so many times and even cried a little bit.

"So, does this mean that we can start over?" I asked him, in hopes of getting a yes. "Would you like to?" I nodded and he smiled. We slowly leaned into a kiss, and when it happened all of the feelings I had for him hit me but 10x harder than before. He definitely is the love of my life and keeping him happy is what I shall do.

Alright. Idk what this story is but okay.

Word count: 1917

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