7. Boy Drama / All the boys

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Being the guys' girl best friend, is all fun and games until they become overprotective

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Being the guys' girl best friend, is all fun and games until they become overprotective. That is why I cant tell them about the incident that happened between me & a guy a few days ago.

* Flashback *

A guy named, Kyle, that I used to "talk" to. Yeah, he ended up putting his hands on me because I didn't want to "do it" with him. I'm not that kind of girl. I want my first time to be meaningful and at the right time. He invited me over to his house and went over because I just wanted to hangout with him. He started making moves on me, and I kindly declined it. He didn't like that, so he hit me. I've had a black eye, and some bruises on my arms from when he grabbed me to try to stop me from leaving but that's it.

Currently, we are all hanging out at Mattias house. I'm wearing a hoodie and some sweats, just to make the bruises easier to hide. Mattia and Alejandro were playing the xbox, I was laying on the floor scrolling through instagram, alvaro and roshaun were messing around as usual and kairi was live. "Bro, I'm bored let's go get food? I'll drive." I said, sitting up. With no hesitation, they agreed.

When we got in the car we all decided to go to (you choose), and eat. We just decided to eat there, since we were bored anyways. I sat in between Mattia, and Alejandro. Kairi, Alvaro, and Roshaun sat across from us. While we ate, we talked about anything and everything. Mattia reached over me to try to grab some napkins that were in the middle of the table, and by accident I flinched so bad. Luckily, nobody noticed and if they did, nobody said anything. Roshaun got up from the table to go fill his cup back up with whatever drink he was drinking before we got ready to go, and of course him and Alvaro still messing around. Alvaro tripped Roshaun before he could put his top back on his cup and some of it got on my face. All I could think about was my make up and the black eye. My eyes grew big. "I'll be right back." I covered my face and ran into the bathroom and to my luck, it was already coming off. "SHIT!" I mumbled, how am I supposed to get this past them now? I stood there looking in the mirror, not wanting to cry. I can't stay in here forever and I didn't bring my make up to cover it. I put my hand over my eye, and walked out of the bathroom. I'll just ignore the questions, if I can.

As I walked out of the bathroom, they were all still waiting. They looked at me confused, but I just walked out the door and headed to the car. They all followed and got in. I (safely) drove back to Mattias house, with one hand. "Why are you hiding your eye like that?" Alvaro asked, as we all walked back into mattias house. "Yeah, you didn't move it at all the whole ride here." Alejandro added in. I stayed quiet for a minute. "Nothing, I'm pretending like I'm a pirate. Arg." I said, laughing it off but none of them laughed. Mattia grabbed my arm, to move my hand away and of course I shrieked in pain. The black eye was not exposed to all of them and they were all so shocked. "Who the fuck did that to you?" Roshaun asked, stepping closer to me. I backed away from him a little bit. "Um, y/n you need to tell us right now. Who did that to you and when?" Mattia asked, his voice was loud. You can tell he was angry. "Nobody, I fell down the stairs." I said, going to sit on Mattias bed. "Lies." Kairi said, following me. They were all still waiting for my response. I sighed, knowing they weren't going to drop it so I tried changing the subject again. "You guys wanna play GTA?" I said, getting up walking over to mattias xbox. Alejandro put his hand on my arm again, and I cried out in pain. "What the hell? We barely touched you. What is going on, y/n?" Alejandro said, nobody was happy. "Fine, a few days ago, I was at Kyle's house and he hit me in the face and pulled/grabbed my arm so I wouldn't leave because I didn't want to have sex with him." I said, I fought back my tears because I didn't want them to see me cry. "How bad are the bruises?" Alvaro asked, and they all put their attention back onto me. I took my hoodie off to show them my arms and his fingerprints were still right there on my arms. "Give me your phone." Mattia said, he was pissed off. I shook my head. "No, there's nothing you guys can say or do. He already moved on." I said, trying to get mattia to drop it. Roshaun grabbed my phone and tossed it to Mattia. I threw my head into my hands, knowing mattia wasn't going to give it up. He went to kyles contact, and dialed his number. On the fourth ring, a girl answered. "What do you want, bitch? He doesn't want you anymore." She said into the phone, I rolled my eyes. "Definitely don't want you." Alejandro said, "Wheres your bitch of a boyfriend at, hoe?" Mattia said, he was angry. Then Kyle grabbed the phone and spoke. "You think you're a big man because you can put your hands on a girl? You think you're big and bad huh? Well, why don't you use those hands and fight me?" Mattia said. "You can fight all of us, how about that?" Alejandro added in, and they all agreed. Kyle was silent. "Yeah, you don't got shit to say now cause you're a bitch." Mattia said, hanging up on him.

A few hours passed, and they finally dropped the subject. I put my hoodie back on and was back to scrolling through instagram. I got a random text from Kyle and when I opened it, it was the most annoying text ever:

Kyle: So, you told your little friends about that night huh? I'll fight them, but my girl is going to beat your ass too. You deserve it for opening up your mouth. Get ready. Congrats.

"Well, guess I'm fighting too, guys." I said, causing them to turn and look at me. "What are you talking about?" Kairi said, pausing the game they were playing. "Kyle texted me, he said he's gonna have his girl beat my ass." I said, showing them. "She's not going to touch you. I'll get Taylor or Ashley to fight her." Alvaro said, and I shrugged it off. It was nice having guy friends that cared about me. Especially in times like this. They were the best friends I could ever ask for.

Oof, idk about this one. Hope y'all like it though.

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