"Hyorin" Mr Min says firmly, warning his daughter. Hyorin looks up, glaring at her father. The father she can't accept as her father anymore. Hyorin stands up from the chair and walks to her cell. Before that, she turns to her parents with tears.

"I will tell Suho everything so that you both will suffer in the jail too" and she leaves to her cell with the police. Hyorin sits in her cell back, starting to cry. She regrets everything. She regrets everything ever since the first day she met Suho. Hyorin cries louder as her moments with Suho enters her mind.


Hyorin looks up to the sky as she sing to the lyrics of the song in her playlist. She's waiting for her boyfriend at the park. The park has always be a place for them to date and share stories. Hyorin groans slowly as she feel the pain in her head. Suddenly, someone backhugs her and kisses her cheeks. Hyorin smiles.

"You're late" she pouts, pretending to be sulky. They boy laughs and sits beside her. He pulls her into his hug. Hyorin still pouts. She glances to the guy who is still in his middle school's uniform. Well, they always date after school. She smiles looking at the name tag. Kim Junmyeon.

"Sorry, I won't be late again" he apologizes. Hyorin smiles and kisses his cheeks. Junmyeon smiles back at her. He plays with her hair. They remain silent for a while. Hyorin keeps on thinking how to tell Junmyeon the truth. She looks up at her boyfriend.

"Junmyeon ah"


"You won't leave me right?"

"Of course not. What's with the sudden question?"

"Even if I have a deathly sickness, you won't leave me right?"

"I won't leave you, Hyorin. Hey, why are you crying? Come here" Junmyeon pulls Hyorin into his hug and calms the girl. Hyorin feels so guilty to Junmyeon. Her parents hate him and they will never bless their relationship. Hyorin looks up. Junmyeon wipes away her tears with a soft smile. He's really a Prince Charming sent from above.

"You know my parents hate you, right?"

"Yes. But no worries. I will fight for us"

"Thanks so much Junmyeon ah"

If only I can tell you that I'm going to die, Junmyeon ah. I'm sorry, but I really love you. I'm really sorry.


Everything seems to hit her again. Hyorin realizes how much Suho changes after they break up. He doesn't even want people to call him Junmyeon anymore. He hates that name until he decided to let people call him Suho. Hyorin cries even louder. Everything was her fault.

Why did I fall for you, Junmyeon ah?

Hyorin regrets everything that happened because of her. Until now, she can't believe that Suho was her first love. It's true, lovers can be strangers in the end. Even after all of this, she still can't forget their memories. She tries to move on by going for treatment in America but.. she never know that meeting him again will make her suffer.

Yes, she went to the same university with Suho for the last year. But.. it was all planned by her parents. They used her because they're expecting for Suho to fall for her again. Hyorin knows she will get double hurt by doing those stupid plans of her parents, but she did those because she's afraid of losing Suho. She knows he can't love her again, but she can't let him die. A perfect girl deserves him, and that girl is surely Chorong.

Why was I so stupid to love you, Junmyeon ah?

Hyorin wipes away her tears as she take some of the test pads and a pen in the cell. She needs to tell Suho and Chorong everything. The truth behind the plans. Apologize letter. Hyorin cries as she write the letters. Done writing the letter, she asks the police officer to call Suho's private investigator to come.

While waiting, she checks again the letter for only God knows how many times. Hyorin cries as she read the letter. The letter filled with her regretful explanation and apologies. She walks to the investigation room to meet Mr Seo. Mr Seo frowns looking at her.

"What do you want?"

"Please. Give this to Chorong and Suho"

"Okay, then" he takes the letter.

""Thanks. I'll go now"

Hyorin leaves the investigation room and walks back into her cell. She doesn't know what her parents plan for Suho's company, but she needs Suho to know that he needs to protect his company and family. She needs to save innocent people. Suho has no wrong in this. It is just her parents' revenge towards Suho's parents for marrying their son with other girl instead of her. Hyorin knows why her parents want her to marry Suho. Because his money.

I'll save you and your beloved ones, Junmyeon ah.

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