Chapter 13

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The next day I found a note in my locker. I opened it.

"I'm coming back for you".

I looked around the hall and no one was even looking over here. They were all in their conversations. I jumped when someone grabbed my waist. I looked to see Parker. He was smiling at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked his smile disappearing. I gave him the letter. He looked around the hall like I did and then reread the letter.
"Who would put this stuff in my locker?" I asked.
"I don't know but I think we should call the cops" he answered. I shook my head.
"No" I replied.
"Why not?" He asked.
"I can't deal with the cops anymore" I answered. I grabbed my first period book. I closed my locker and he lightly grabbed my arm.
"Babe we have to do something about this" he said.
"And we will. Just not the cops" I replied. I walked away from him.

Parker was at football practice and I was suppose to stay and wait for him but I didn't want to. I was walking home when it happened. I saw nothing but the darkness. I screamed. Trying to take whatever it was off my head and they pulled me somewhere. I felt cold metal against my skin when they tossed me into whatever it was. I was about to take whatever it was on my head off when they grabbed my wrist and tied them together. I screamed and tried kicking whoever it was but missed. I heard the door close and the engine start.

I was pushed and shoved. I didn't know where I was. I was forced down to sit on something. I could feel something tight wrap around me. Then it was pulled off my head. I saw who it was. Someone who looked really familiar and then it hit me.
"Grace?" I said. She smiled at me.
"Hi hun" she said.
"What are you doing?" I demanded.
"Look I don't want to hurt you. I really don't. But you see. There's someone you have that really doesn't belong to you. He belongs to me. At least for the last two years. I kept a close eye on him even though I had to move away. I moved here to this town. I just go to the other school across town. I saw you guys together at the school dance. I was asked to go by a nice guy. A nerd honestly. I had to do something I didn't not enjoy. Let's just say he sucked really badly in bed. Made me miss my amazing Parker" she said.
"You psycho bitch" I yelled. She laughed.
"He's the one who made me like this" she said.
"He's not going back to you" I replied.
"He will when I get done with you" she responded.
"What are you going to do?" I asked.
"I'm going to make you disappear" she answered. I moved my arms trying to get free.
"Bitch you have no idea who you are messing with" I said.
"Neither do you" she said. I wanted to punch her. She turned and walked away with her heels clicking against the ground. I looked around and tried getting free from the rope she tied around me. I couldn't get free. I reached into my back pocket and pulled my phone out in my one hand.
"Hey Siri" I said.
"What can I help you with?" It said.
"Call Parky" I replied.
"Calling Parky" it responded. I waiting until I heard his voice.
"Parker help me please. Grace kidnapped me. I don't know where I am. But she's here. Call the police and babe. Run. Get out of town" I said. I clicked the button and ended the call. Now all I do is wait. I tried putting my phone in my pocket again. But I think I was sitting on it instead. I didn't care.

She still didn't come back. I was getting worried about Parker. I told him to run away. I didn't know what she's capable of and I didn't want him to get hurt. I jumped when I heard the door open. She came back in and crossed her arms.
"I had so much fun with Parker today. He walked away from me but I made him kiss me. God I've missed his lips. I swear he use to practice on stuffed animals when he was younger because he's the best kisser in the world" she said. I was angry. I moved my hand up and could feel the knot. I pulled on the one end of the rope. Thank god she's not the skilled at tying knots. It came loose and I jumped up. I ran at her and knocked her to the ground. I punched her repeatedly and she was trying to block them all. Soon she got ahold of my hair and pulled it hard. I screamed. I knew I should've wore it up today. She flipped us and started hitting me. I moved my hands to her throat and squeezed hard. She started gasping for air. I moved us. I was straddling her and choking her at the same time. She tried to get my hands off of her throat. It didn't take long for her to pass out and that was when I ran.

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