Chapter 12

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A month passed since the dance. Parker and I have been good. I mean. We haven't had as much sex. But we've had a lot of dates. Pretty much every night of us doing something. I was happy. I walked into the school with a big smile on my face. I went to my locker and opened it. My smile disappeared. There were pictures in my locker. Of Parker and another girl. I ripped the pictures down and slammed my locker. I walked right up to him and hit him in his chest hard with them.
"We're done" I said. I turned and walked away. I walked out of the school and ran home. I didn't even look back.
When I got home I slammed the door and ran up to my room. I closed the door and threw my bag down on the ground. I went over to my bed and laid down. My bedroom door opened. I looked and there was my mom.
"Honey what's going on? Why are you home?" She asked. I sat up trying hard not to cry.
"I found pictures of him with another girl in my locker" I answered.
"Oh honey" she said coming over to me. She sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around me. I leaned my head against her shoulder. She rubbed my back to comfort me.
"Did he say anything to you?" She asked. I shook my head.
"Did you even say anything to him?" She said.
"Mom. I took them out of my locker. I gave them to him. I told him we're done and left" I replied.
"I'm gonna make you some comfort food for breakfast. Then I'll go get some ice cream and some sappy romance movies. Sound good?" She asked.
"Yes please" I answered. She moved and I smiled at her. I grabbed my phone and turned it off without looking at any of the messages as she left the room.

I spent the whole day in my room. I took a relaxing bubble bath. My mom got me some bath bombs and a few other things for the bath. I was feeling a lot better after that. I watching a movie when my mom came in.
"He's here" she said.
"I don't want to talk to him" I replied looking back at my tv.
"Honey. Maybe you should. Get everything out in the open and then move on" she responded. I groaned. I got out of my bed and went downstairs. He was still standing by the door. I crossed my arms over my chest.
"We need to talk" he said.
"Fine. Outside" I replied. He opened the door and walked out. I followed. I grabbed the door and slammed it shut it in his face. I locked it and turned around to see my mom standing there shaking her head.
"Lexa Alexandria. Go out there" she said. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door going out to him. He was sitting on my steps. I kicked him down the three steps and he stayed on the walk way.
"I didn't cheat" he said.
"Bullshit" I yelled.
"The girl in those pictures were of the girl who became obsessed and left" he said.
"Then why the fuck were they in my locker?" I demanded.
"How am I to know? I didn't even know these existed until this morning" he said getting up and looking at me.
"Yeah right. You guys probably did it for some sick disgusting shit. How do I know that's even her? Not just some random slut?" I said.
"Have I ever done you wrong like this?" He asked me.
"Jo" is all I said. He looked away from me.
"I've tried making it up to you. I don't know how to prove it to you that I didn't cheat. Grace was a lot time ago. She left. She went crazy. How you're treating me now. After you saw those I understand. A lot. Especially after what happened to you but guess what babe I'm not that fuck up who hurt you. Since you found out I've been with you every damn day. Pretty much every single second of those days. When I'm not with you. I'm on the phone with you. We fall asleep every night on the phone. So please tell me. When did I have the time to cheat?" He said. I looked away. This time I did start to cry. I looked at him. He came over to me and pulled me to into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him.
"I'm sorry" I said. He rubbed my back and I felt him kiss my head.
"I love you Lexa. I wouldn't hurt you" He said.
"I love you Parker" I said looking up at him. He leaned his head against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss.

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