Chapter 4: Miraculous S-Combination

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Goku Black: The Rein of weakling Mortals shall end here, now I shall remove you from the Utopia of the gods!!

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Goku Black: The Rein of weakling Mortals shall end here, now I shall remove you from the Utopia of the gods!!

Yang: Ugh...Great...we wind up in some weird place and now this guy attacks us out of nowhere...

Weiss: We can't fight him...whatever semblance he has he's too strong...!!

Blake: A power like that is way too strong to be a semblance of any kind...!

Ruby: I never...even got to finish my cookie...

Goku Black descended down towards the 4 girls as he was now about to finish them off with one final attack

Goku Black: Now...Get out of my sight!


Goku Black was suddenly nailed right in the face by a red fist with a stretched out arm as he was then sent flying back, quickly recovering as you suddenly landed nearby

Y/N: You're not the only god that exists you know!

Goku Black: Tch! An utter piece of filth like yourself cannot be considered to be in the same domain as the higher gods!!

Y/N: Not even a "Who are you", I guess you really are self absorbed...

You then turned your head and looked towards the 4 girls who were on the ground and nearly dead, walking towards them and crouching down to them

Y/N: You 4 still able to walk?

They didn't answer just yet as they tried to get up, 3 of the 4 managed to get onto their feet, the only one who couldn't was the shortest one with the black and red hair

Yang: I can carry her, what do you need us to do?

Y/N: I need you to get as far away from here as possible, there's a hospital with some good nurses in this city, if you head north you can't miss it, now go!

With that the 4 teenagers nodded and ran off as you turned towards Goku Black with a grin on your face

Goku Black: Instead of asking them for their assistance you simply tell them to run, a foolish choice for someone in your position...

Y/N: Well considering that you had them beat so easily, They only wouldn't gotten in my

Your feet suddenly left the ground as you lunged towards Goku Black with your fist reeled back

Y/N: Let our fight begin!!

You suddenly threw a heavy punch at Goku Black who blocked the attack and countered by grabbing you and throwing you away, as you soared backwards through the air you put your hands out and fired a volley of blasts towards Black who dodged and deflected each blast

Y/N: Damn, he's quick...

You suddenly flipped over and planted your feet into a building's wall before bouncing off the building and getting another attack ready as your fists recoiled into your arms once again


Goku Black who was still confident of this battle charged towards you as your attack was ready to fire


With that you began to fire your fists into a Gatling style volley directly at Goku Black as your fists were going all over the place at high speeds

Goku Black who seemed to be dodging fairly well at first, began to take a few blows, forcing him to start blocking, however he still took damage as your attacks eventually started to pummel him

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Goku Black who seemed to be dodging fairly well at first, began to take a few blows, forcing him to start blocking, however he still took damage as your attacks eventually started to pummel him

Goku Black who was now taking dozens of hits at a time and was screaming in pain from the attacks, was launched back and went through a building or two as you finally stopped your attack

Y/N: Whew, haven't used 10% of my power in a while, that was fun!

Goku Black who was buried in the broken rubble of the buildings he had crashed in, had heard your little statement which made him a bit concerned

Goku Black: 10%...?! All of that was only 10%?! He's not a mortal...he's a MONSTER!!

Goku Black suddenly bursted out of the rubble with a grey aura and flew away as he knew that taking you head on was beyond stupid for almost anyone

Y/N: I guess I'll let him go too...I'm not in the mood for anymore chasing right now...

You suddenly looked into the distance to see that the sun was setting, taking a sigh of relief as you began to fly away

Y/N: Might as well head to that hospital and check on that first gaggle of kids I saved...

Meanwhile in the distance, a small little entity watched you fly away, they had witnessed your little scrap with Black and now had a plan

???: Such a powerful soul, If I absorb it then taking over this timeline will be a breeze! Hehehe...That's a wonderful Idea!

That's a wonderful Idea!

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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