Today was just the end of their hide-and-seek because Miguel has already cornered him back to their usual spot.

"Luis, are you avoiding me?"

He didn't even notice that Miguel looks really pissed right now. That made him swallow the lump on his throat. "I-I was..."

His immediate honesty softens Miguel's expression but he was taken aback when it was replaced with a sudden anxious gaze.

"Did I do something then? Was it something I said? Was it something that I did that made you want to avoid me? I'm sorry, Luis..." For the first time in forever, Miguel looked so unsure of himself. "Please forgive for whatever I did."

He couldn't believe this guy! He didn't even know the real reason on why he was avoiding him and yet... He now feels guilty. He didn't mean it for Miguel to feel like he did something for him to avoid him. It was nothing like that-only if he could tell him the real reason.

"Y-You didn't do anything. I just wanted to surprise you..."

Okay, he's really not good at making these excuses and he thinks he just threw himself into something dangerous. But with that being said, he's glad he's finally able to meet Miguel eye-to-eye again like this.

Miguel's lips slowly curve into a grin. "Surprise me? My birthday isn't even anywhere closer."

He punches him in the arm. "Not that kind of surprise. I just wanted to tell you that during our survey of whom to feature in our newspaper project, without a doubt, you won the survey and I'll be the one writing that article to be fair for everyone."

Okay, that wasn't bad at all because what he just said was still a complete truth. Though he wasn't really allowed to tell Miguel that for multiple of reasons. He also keeps forgetting that Miguel is already a second-year student and, of course, all his college department ladies would want to be the one who interviews the campus sweetheart. He's not sure how he became the solution but their publication leader, Ion, decided that he would be the one who writes the article.

"And I'm also planning to go to the gym now since I'm tired of hearing you complain that I'm too thin."

That was just something he blurted out so Miguel's attention would be focused on that instead of his article that he needs to write about him.

He knows it himself that his has the physique of a girl because he's too thin and is often bullied by it. He never really cared nor show any reaction to people who always have fun on targeting him to bully because he was so used it. He also has Miguel to always tease him about it and now that he said something about, just like what he expected, Miguel's attention went on that way to tease him.

That made him internally sigh in relief. At least he got Miguel's mind out on the real issue here and he hopes it would last long.

"Please don't ever try to avoid me again." Miguel finally said after all of his teasing to him. "I thought I was going to lose a friend-I thought I was losing you for whatever reason that I don't know."

Luis wanted to say that that would never happen, that if there was someone who was most afraid of losing their friendship-it would be him. He's afraid of the thought that he'll never be friends with Miguel anymore and that makes him regret the week he spent avoiding him.

He wished he never really avoided Miguel that week because the next day?

Miguel transferred out of their school and he never saw him again.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Welcome to The House of Kings, Mr. Manalo. I'm sure you remember me during our interview, I'm Sixth."

Luis doesn't know where to be amazed first. Is it on the real beauty of this company's interior design or to the fact that he is again face-to-face with this man who looks younger that he is? They're here on a conference room and like his every first day-he is distracted as hell.

"I-I'm sorry, Sir Sixth, but can I ask how old are you?"

The secretary laughs at his sudden out-of-the-blue question. "Is that why you're a little distracted, Mr. Manalo."

"Please, just call me Luis, sir. I'm sorry for asking such weird question on our first official meeting."

"Oh, it's okay! I get this a lot. Do you mind if I just call you Sir Luis then?"

He nodded and he can't really help but to be mesmerized by how young this man looks.

"I'm already thirty-six, Sir Luis."


He didn't mean to be so surprised and react this way but he had Sixth laughing with his reactions. They are supposed to be having his initial orientation but here they are-breaking the ice instead.

It still feels unreal for him that he would be finally working as himself and in a real company set-up like this. Of course, the most unreal fact for him is that he is now going to work at the company of the person he dreads to meet.

Will Miguel remember him?

He didn't want to boastful for what he looks like right now but it is really far from what he looked like during their college days. He learned to be healthy and made sure he'll look his best every time for his mom-and it became something he does for his every day. Ma'am Tin would always tease him about his glow-up just because she wants to and was a victim of not recognizing him with his pictures before.

He should really not be thinking about it now and listen to Sixth's lecture.

He already knows about what his job would be and now Sixth is discussing some of the company's important rules and regulations. Nothing too new for him but when it sunk into him that Sixth was the executive secretary to the big bosses of this company and not simply someone from the HR should be giving him this interview-

What this man has been trying to explain to him really sunk into him slowly but surely.

Sixth is the one orienting him for his work because not only that he is officially employed in this company but he is going to be working directly to the big bosses. He's literal job is to work side by side with the big bosses!

"Sometimes you would be with the madams since they will tend to ask for your opinions about everything. Don't be surprised anymore when they do and just give them what you honestly think about the things they would ask your opinions to. Most of the times, though, you'll spend your working hours with Sir Miguel because he is the one who's really hands on with the promotion of the clothing lines hence the usage of all the social media platform. Your work would revolve around what he tells you."

Did he just hit the jackpot or did he just dig his grave?

For his real purpose, this is the best thing he could ever ask for. For his heart? He doesn't want to think about this yet.

'Eyes on the goal, Luis, eyes on the goal. Be professional. This isn't about you. Eyes on the goal, Luis.'

He has to remind himself about the real reason why he is here. He needs to really keep his eyes on his real goal but as much as he wants to keep it all that way... Who is he kidding? This isn't merely because of his work anymore. It involves himself and the ten years that has passed. He's been both looking forward and dreading this day and this is really happening right now.

"Speaking of the big bosses, they will here any moment now to meet you. Congratulations and thank you again, Sir Luis, for being a part of our company."

"T-Thank you, too, Sir Sixth."

He wasn't nervous a while ago thanks to Sixth's warm and kind welcome but not that they've reached the reality where he'll meet the big bosses-

The doors opened and Kings has entered the room.

For the ten years that has passed, he's again eye-to-eye with nonother than Juan Miguel King.

This is it. There's no turning back anymore.

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