For those years that have passed that he never, even for once, forget the man who made his college life memorable even for the shortest of time-he is overwhelmed and speechless that he got to see him again in person. It wasn't even a proper eye-to-eye reunion but when he saw him? It was enough. It was enough to leave him either sleepless or if he did get some sleep, he would be dreaming of him.

Ten years. Ten long years. All those years that passed and he could still perfectly feel the same about the same guy who saved him from his clumsiness...

Juan Miguel King.

- - - - - - - - - -

Luis looked at himself at the mirror and adjusts his eyeglasses for the nth time tonight.

He never thought he would see himself in an outfit other than their university uniform. He's wearing a suit for Pete's sake! Never in his life he pictured himself wearing this type of clothing and he couldn't even express how uncomfortable he feels right now.

There's a reason why he never joined the high school proms and other formal events. If being awkward and clumsy are not valid reasons for it then he doesn't just really see himself in these gatherings and he was never comfortable in dressing up.

Maybe tonight was a very bad idea. Not maybe-it is a bad idea. What was he thinking when he thought that this would be a great idea? There's still time, he can still-

"Luis, Miguel is here!"

Oh fuck. He's already mentally cursing himself nonstop. He's mind keeps giving him lots and lots of excuses that he can give to Miguel so that he can say "pass" for tonight. But everything's really too late when his room's door opens and it showed the person he was just thinking about.


As if on reflex, Luis threw the closest thing he could grab, which was a pillow, at Miguel. "I didn't say you can enter yet!"

Of course, his room was already filled by this guy's laughter. "At least I knocked!"

He suddenly didn't know what to say nor what to do. He is unexpectedly rooted to his position and he couldn't even diss this guy for staring at him. He just awkwardly adjusts his eyeglasses again. He can't even think of anything to say to break the sudden silence that has surround them.

Miguel is a good-looking guy and saying that tonight is like stating what's obvious for every day. But with his suit and that styled hair? He looks unreal and it's something that he can understand now on why the women and men alike in their university falls for this guy.

"Oh, you boys! You both look gorgeous!"

That's the cue of his mom with, of course, her camera.

"Mom! You promised that no pictures!"

"I can't remember promising that." His mom said with her ever teasing grin. "I asked Miguel if I could snap some pictures and he agreed. Didn't you, sweetie?"

Miguel grins, too. "Of course, Aunt Louisa, you can take as many as you want."

Before he could even protest, Miguel already has him by the waist and the posed for the camera. He doesn't know what he looks like with those shots but damn-all he could think of right now is his heart going on haywire.

When is his heart going to ever calm down when it comes to this guy?

After his mom has taken enough photos to be satisfied, Miguel already told her that they need to leave.

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