All these explanations and replaying of what actually started the fascination with Juan Miguel King are still not enough for Luis on how he will actually do this challenge.

Again, and first of all, this doesn't involve a scandal. Second, he will have to actually go under cover without going under cover.

The House of Kings, like what Ma'am Tin has emphasized for him, is looking for a new social media manager and an interview for it will be held five days from now. That gives him less time to prepare himself and the initial information he needs to finish this challenge all according to his plans and goals.

What's with the going undercover without actually going undercover? Luis will be applying for the said position by his real name, his real self. No spy-like cover identities to be used, he will have to do his best to get that position as Luis Ashley Manalo.

That would be the safest and most legal way of accomplishing this challenge.

When you're working with Exposé magazine, the writers do use their pennames and their real identities are kept confidential. It's a way of protecting and providing the writers their utmost freedom in their ways of finishing their challenges. Technically, Luis Ashley Manalo is just a freelance writer who supports his mom and not Louanne Margaux, his penname, who works at the company.

The initial preparations are almost done and all he really does need to accomplish now are his plans on how he will start his challenge.

If there is one thing that their evil lady boss has carved into their writer's heart, it is that second options and Plan Bs are never allowed. In whatever they do, never do it if it will not succeed on the first try. There are no rooms for failures and options. It has to be perfect the first time. How was it possible for them to be just like that? They don't know, too. But Luis has already lived and breathed that motto all his career.

Staring at the blank cheque Ma'am Tin has given him made him sigh.

It's too late to back out now and much too late to refuse the offer he could never have again.

A blank cheque doesn't mean you can put any amount on it. It means something even better. This is the very first thing the company will explain to the newbies once they are hired as writers. When a blank cheque is given along with the challenge, it means that if that challenge was successful, the company will grant the writer anything he or she wants. Anything.

It's a once in a lifetime challenge and Luis could wish for his mom-he could be with his mom and all he has to do is finish this challenge this successfully.

"You've been staring awfully long at that cheque, Luis. Tell me, what seems to be holding you back?"

"Sir I..."

Ion looks at him with that same kind smile but intense eyes. His boss is looking at him as if already knowing the answer to his own question.

All his preparations and papers are ready for the interview. He got almost everything-from the viral video, photos, and all the articles-for his initial information about his target. If this is a normal challenge, he would be already on his way because everything is already laid down in front of him. This should be a piece of cake for him now.

What seems to make everything not enough? What seems to be holding him back?

Ah, yes.

For the countless of times in his head that he said this, Juan Miguel King himself is his main problem.

- - - - - - - - - -

"You're that guy from the library!"

Luis took every strength and effort he had to run and hide but damn this persistent boy who, without even breaking a single sweat, still caught him. Literally caught him by his arm.

This is Juan Miguel King and not a single student in this university doesn't know who he is. Of course, Luis, being not an exemption to that, knows who he is and knows exactly why he shouldn't associate himself with him.

Fixing his eyeglasses, he doesn't really know what to say. He can't even take his arm back from him.

As if sensing his distress about his arm, the boy releases him then chuckles. "I didn't mean to scare you away but please don't run away again. Running is not that easy, you know."

It doesn't really seem to be the case because he swears even running looks easy when it's this guy who's doing it. Damn. If he wasn't the clumsiest human being in the library yesterday, he wouldn't have to be awkwardly standing in front of this guy.

Has anyone told this guy that he has the brightest smile there is yet? Good thing that he can't even smile so he isn't affected by how contagious it is.

"I'm Miguel, you are?"

Forever awkward he is, he just stares at Miguel's hand, unsure if he will accept and shake it. He doesn't even know if he'll tell him his name.

"I'm getting a little tired holding out my hand like this, just so you know..."

Panicking, he immediately takes his hand and shakes it. "I-I'm Luis Ashley Manalo."

Miguel smiles even wider; he's eyes are showing how amused he is. "Nice to meet you, Luis Ashley Manalo. I don't mind if you take me to lunch because I caught you yesterday when you fell."

Not actually sure if he heard that right but there's one thing he could hear loud and clear-it's his heart beating loudly against his chest.

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