~Trying Something New~

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"You what!?" Dabi says, dumbfounded.

"W-well I was thinking we could try something new....I dunno" the shorter male now flushes, not sure if he should've said it or not. "I- er I don't mind I've just never bottomed before" Dabi's cheeks flush as he speaks like Tomura's as he rubs the back of his neck and avoids eye contact.

Shigiraki doesn't know what to say. He'd never seen Dabi like this.

"If you don't wanna do it I won't force you-" Dabi cuts him off "no, it's not fair that I make  you do it but I won't try it for myself. I-" he pauses, "......I'll do it.." Tomura beams. "really!?"

Dabi just nods, hearing Tomura's excitement, persuading him even more. With that Tomura grins and grabs Dabi's shoulders, pushing him down onto their bed and climbing on top of him.

A light blush spreads across the taller males face as his usually submissive partner quickly takes control over him.

Shigiraki bends over and immediately starts kissing his neck. Kissing and nipping at the already purple skin.

Dabi grows more red from the sudden actions of his boyfriend. "Hey! S-slow do-AaH!" He bites the back of his hand to silence the noises he was making when Shigiraki started roughly biting his neck. He happily nibbles along Dabi's neck, occasionally leaving a large hickey.

Tomura finally backs off of his neck and looks at his neck. He saw that he left almost black marks on his neck since his skin was already purple.

Dabi releases his hand from his teeth. "Wh-what's with you being so rough?" He averts his gaze since he could feel his face burning.

Tomura giggles. "I can't help it, you're so....addicting~" he practically growls out the last part, leaving Dabi like mush underneath him.

Shigiraki takes Dabi's shirt off quickly and starts kissing down his neck and chest.

Dabi whines beneath him and grasps onto the sheets. Tomura just smirks against his skin and leaves sloppy kisses all the way down his torso to his v line. He unbuttons Dabi's jeans and reaches for the zipper, the taller male stops him.

Tomura retreats his hand, "what's wrong?" Dabi grows red again and stumbles over his words. "Baby, I can't understand you~" This statement makes Dabi more flustered.

Shigiraki softly kisses his neck as his partner desperately tries to speak. "I-I uhm nGh~ It's not f-faH~ fair that I'm the only o-one getting undressed." Tomura giggles.

"Oh really~?" He smirks and leans back, "why don't you help me then~" Dabi shyly sits up and begins to quickly undo the buttons on his boyfriends shirt. "Oh my~ someone's eager~"

Dabi takes Tomura's shirt off of his shoulders after he unbuttons it and puts his head in his collar bone. He mumbles a "shut up" into his collar. Shigiraki can't do anything but smile at his usually dominant boyfriend like putty beneath him.

Tomura lifts his boyfriends chin up to his lips and gives him a tender kiss. Dabi wraps his arms around Tomura's neck and leans back, pulling his down on top of him. They exchange a long chain of passionate kisses, Shigiraki finally getting to know what it feels like to take control greedily kisses Dabi.

They eventually pull apart, a string of saliva between them. Dabi grabs his partners hand and leads it down to his crotch. Shigiraki, confusedly lets Dabi do whatever he was trying to do. Dabi pushes Tomura's hand down onto his growing bulge.

He lets out a soft moan and tries to grind against his hand. Tomura watches his usually so uptight boyfriend grind against his hand in awe. He had never seen Dabi so desperate, it was exhilarating.

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