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June 2021

Jessica's POV:

I woke up and looked around. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.

10 am

I sighed and rolled over. 

I heard my apartment door open. "That's either one of 4 people." I closed my eyes. 

My bedroom door opened and I heard fast feet. Then there was a weight on top of me. "Oh god."I groaned. I opened my eyes. "Oh. Hey Patri."

"Good morning." She smiled. "I jumped on you."

"Yes. You did. I think you broke a rib." I put my head back. 

She rested her chin on my chest and looked at me. "Good morning." 

I smiled. "Good morning. What brings you here?" 

"I can't just appear and surprise my girlfriend?" 

"You can." I laughed. "Just next time let me prepare myself." She laid down next to me and I put my arm around her. "Sleepy time?"

I felt her nod. 

Patri's POV:

I woke up to an empty bed. I looked around and smiled. 

I got up and walked out of her room and found her in the kitchen. "What time is it?" I asked. 

"12:30." She smiled. "You looked really peaceful. I didn't want to wake you." She put food on plates.

"You cooked?" I sat down.

"Yeah. I know how." She said. She sat next to me and we ate. 

"You're feeling better."

"Yeah. That was a rough cold." She laughed. "Dr. Patri took good care of me though." 

We finished eat and sat on the couch. I stared at her. 

"What?" She said.

"You're just beautiful."

She laughed. "Smooth." She looked down. "There's something I wanted to say." 

"Ok. You have my full attention. As always." 

"I know what,"

The door opened. "So here's what I'm thinking."

Jess sighed. "What's up Vir?"

"We should go on a road trip."

"We?" I said.

"Aw, you do speak French."

I laughed. 

"Fuck you, Jess."

"That job's taken." Jess winked. 

I shoved her. "Stop."

"We were in the middle of something, Vir. Can we talk about this later?" She asked.

"I don't care. Your sexy time can wait."

Jess closed her eyes. "That's not what we were-"

"I have an idea!" Lola appeared.

"It gets worse." Jess mumbled. 

"You two, Vir, Carmen, me. Some snacks, good music, ROAD TRIP!" She cheered.

"No." Jess said. "I can't handle drives longer than 5 hours."

"That's oddly specific." Lola said.

"Car rides still freak me out. If I know I'm going to be in the car for a while, I have to make a lot of stops."

"It's true." Carmen popped in. "When we drove to Barcelona, she stopped like 500 times." 

"Why?" Virginia asked.

"She went through a windshield, Vir." Lola said. "Like a knife, slicing through butter." 

Jess covered her face.

"Wait, that actually happened? I thought you were just exaggerating."

"Why would I exaggerate getting into a car accident?" Jess shook her head. "I almost died."

"From going through the windshield." Lola said.

"I didn't go through the windshield." Jess said. "Not fully, anyway. I had my seatbelt on. My head hit the window and I got knocked out." She crossed her arms. "Can we change the subject please?" 

I put my hand on her arm. "We were having a serious conversation. Do you guys mind?"

"Jess is pregnant?" 


"Patri is pregnant?"


"YOU'RE GETTING A PUPPY!" Carmen yelled.

"No!" Jess yelled. She thought about it. "Now I want a puppy."

"We'll talk about it later." I whispered. "Guys? Can we talk about this later?"

"Fine." Carmen said. "Come on, idiots." She said grabbing Lola and Virginia. 

"Use protection!" Virginia yelled. 

They left and the door was closed. 

"Where were we?" I smiled.

"Now I'm reliving the car accident in my head." Jess stared straight ahead. "Great."

"Focus on me. You were going to tell me something?"

"Right." She shook her head. She looked at me. "I was going to,"

Something made a big noise causing her to jump.

"SORRY!" Virginia yelled. 

"I need air." Jess got up and walked outside. 

Jessica's POV:

I stood on the sidewalk and looked around. Patri came out and stood next to me. "You ok?"

I sighed. "I will be. I try not to talk about the accident a lot because it freaks me out. I mean I talk about it, obviously, I told you about it. But I hate going into detail about it. I never talk about what actually happened in that car. When I talk about my head hitting the window I just," I closed my eyes. "I get a headache." I looked at her. "That's why I have this scar." I pointed to the one on the back of my neck. "A piece of glass got stuck. And up here," I pointed to the side of my head. "I have a scar. The scars are reminders, I can't escape them. But I can choose to not think about it. Going on a road trip would not be good. If I'm driving, I have control over things. If I know I'm going to be on the road for a long time, I want to drive. So I can stop when I get too freaked out. One or two people with me are fine. When I drove to Barcelona with Lola and Carmen, I was fine. Lola's jokes and Carmen's laugh. It relaxed me a little. Driving by myself, I stop a lot."

Patri wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. "Then we won't go." She said. "Honestly, road tripping with them sounds exhausting." I laughed. "They can go on their crazy adventure. You and I have our own things to do." I looked at her. "Now what were you going to tell me up there? Before those 2 idiots and Carmen interrupted."

I smiled. "I think I'm falling in love with you." 

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