Kenny: I'm just saying that since he's married and has kids that he shouldn't kiss a girl cuz that's considered cheating! *shrugs and looks down at Violet*

Nick rolls his eyes in annoyance.

Violet: he was trying to help me calm down! U shouldn't be all up in our business! *pauses then gets all up in Kenny's face getting all loopy as if she was drunk* Wait? Yeah why ARE u up in OUR business Kenny?! HUH?! *gets super close to Kenny's face*

Nick: hey violet calm down *backs her up my laying his hand on her left shoulder*

Kenny: maybe because I'm worried for nick Because he's married! *starts to become annoyed* for the 100th time! *looks down at violet as nick is holding her back*

Violet: ur......still .... *head begins to spin and starts to see multiple Kennys* are..... *breathes heavily as she begins to become weak on her knees* in our business........

Kenny: Violet? U ok? *looks at Violet who was looking like she's about to fall asleep again*

Violets looking at kenny who looks as blurry as how she saw MJF.

Violets looking at kenny who looks as blurry as how she saw MJF

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Kenny: u okay?? *puts his hand on violets shoulder*

Violet almost falls to the ground but nick catches her like how anyone would carry a baby.

Nick: ok she's knocked out again... how much of the GHB did MJF put in her drink? Jesus! *looks at kenny*

Kenny: *face palms himself* I don't know... *sighs* let's head inside so we can take her to her room..

They both turn to the door hotel and walk inside the hotel.

Kenny opens the door for nick since he was carrying Violet.

Nick then runs into Matt and Colt.

Matt: oh sh*t! *covers his mouth so he can be quiet since he noticed violet is asleep* what happened?

Colt: *gives Kenny violets room number* she knocked out again?

They all walk to the elevator waiting for the doors to open.

Nick: uhh.. so .. she asked why I kissed her, Kenny got pissed and called me a cheater, Violet got pissed and told him not to call me that, and she looked suuuuuuper dizzy and started to mumble her words and she passed out... *the elevator door opens and they all walk into the elevator*

Colt: *clicks upstairs button as door closes* annnnnd why did she defend u?

Nick: *still holding violet* I have no idea *laughs and looks at Violet in his arms*

Kenny: *standing next to Matt who was beside nick* I say it's just because the GHB was still in her system and she didn't know what she was talking about about! *shrugs as the elevator doors open and everyone heads out, looking for violets room number*

Nick: oh I'm sure it was the GHB *chuckles*

Matt: I mean .. it could be the GHB, it could not *shrugs*

Kenny finds her room number and unlocks the door for nick to enter.

Everyone else begins to enter.

Nick approaches he bed, Kenny carries the bed sheet cover so nick can lay her down. Kenny covers her up with the bed sheet.

Everyone sighs.

Matt: she might just be really tired and still out of energy because the amount of GHB he put in the drink. The doctor also did say she'll be 100% better in the morning so .. *shrugs*

It's 12am.

Colt: we should probably get going to bed then

Nick: agreed *looks back at violet*

Kenny nods and looks down as they all walk out the hotel room and shutting the door behind them.


New York.

MJF was at his own home looking at his phone without no sleep, sitting down on the couch, stressing out about what he did to Violet and where she went. He was wearing a black AEW sweater and some sweat pants with a few luggage's surrounding him.

He begins to start dialing on his phone and calls an Uber with his leg twitching in worry if anyone found out if it was him or not.

MJF: *waiting for the Uber to pick up as he whispers* cmonnnn...... *for the uber to hurry and pick up*

Uber: *finally picks up* Sup, Max?

MJF: *gets startled* Hey man! Um, can u take me to the airport? I'm need to go to Jacksonville, Florida. ASAP!

To Be Continued......

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