Chapter 5

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       Sirius Orion Black was a miserable mess sitting in a corner in his dingy cell on a rock in the middle of the sea. Around him were other witches and wizards who had take a brand of loyalty to a madman on a quest for domination and destruction. Although even he had to admit that some just wanted their traditions to return to their rightful place in the open.

    Reflection was a wizards best friend being trapped in a hell with soul sucking demons that contend themselves with a taste of your happiness instead. So long as ones rumination didn't veer to close to a happy thought they would be fine to stay lost in their mind. Although Sirius knew he had a bit of an advantage over the other inmates being an illegal animagus.

     So he often spent his time hidden in the only dry corner of his cell curled up as a large black dog lost in the memories of his childhood. It was as he was lost in these thoughts that he truly came to despise his mother far more than he previously did. It was by examining every one of his childhood memories with a fine tooth comb thanks to what was left of his shredded mental barriers that he could see where his family truly stood.

   His mother the poisonous harpy that she was was a true bigot that felt that muggleborn, half-bloods and anyone not in line with her views were scum and should be tortured into oblivion. She like her cousin Bellatrix truly relished in their masters work and we're beyond help.

   His father though was a true traditionalist who felt the wizarding world needed to keep their traditions and encouraged muggleborns to embrace their magical heritage. Even if their magic was the first of their bloodline they still needed to embrace their beliefs to increase their magic, to pave way to their own family magic.

    Sirius realized this thanks to the memory right before he had run away to the Potters it being a memory that gave him a neutral feeling not happy but not sad just pure relief. This particular memory started to make him notice all the times his father had stood between he and his mother. That his marriage to Walburga Black née Black was not something he chose for himself but was chosen for him.

   He remembers he had stayed out of the house since his mother had been on another one of her pureblood tirades. Regulus his baby brother had been listening intently always wanting to please their mother while his father had been scowling while reading the prophet.

     Everything had seemed fine when he had returned home after he snuck out in the middle of his mothers usual vitriol about muggleborn and half-bloods tainting the magical world. It was t until he was right outside his bedroom door that everything had gone wrong for him.

     His mother had lashed out at him with a cutting hex with a dark nature sending him tumbling into his room in pain. Her eyes had been wild and her breath coming in heavy pants as she looked down on his bleeding form. Her remembered her acidic words sizzling into his skin as each one dropped from her blood red lips degrading him.

    It didn't take long for her to cast the crusiatus curse at his injured form causing him to scream out in pain as his body convulsed on the floor sending what felt like fire up his back. He had felt as if the world was ending and that he wouldn't be able to see his most important people ever again. That his mother was going to finally do what she said she should have done when he was first born.

     As she relented and lifted the curse upon his person to allow him to recover Sirius  could see black forming at the edges of his vision. He saw as a cruel smirk twisted his mother's lips as she lifted her wand to torture or kill him he didn't know. At the time he thought he imagined it but now he knew what he saw next as his world faded to black was most likely true. His father had rushed into the room and blasted his mother to the other side knocking her unconscious before quickly coming over to his prone form. Sirius could feel his muscles still twitching from the curse as his world faded to black and the last thing he saw was his fathers face twisted with worry and guilt.

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