Chapter 2

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    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore an elderly gentleman closing in on his hundreds sat at the head table of his school looking down on the students below. He is often seen as an eccentric fellow always wearing bright robes with clashing colors, heeled shoes and half moon glasses. The fingers of his right hand were sliding through his long beard in contemplation as he watched the various students below while his mind wandered.

       It has been close to four years since two of his faithful followers were killed by the dark wizard Voldemort and their little girl survived the darkest of all curses. It was a sad day when he lost James and Lily Potter but everything must happen for the greater good. Thus is the reason he had procured the child before anyone else and had her placed in the proper environment to be molded into the hero she needs to be. Even if it is at the sacrifice of a happy and comfortable childhood but all that needs to come to pass shall.

   Humming to himself Dumbledore cast his gaze to his fellow teachers who were quietly discussing the events of the day with one another. He watched as McGonagalls, a stricken Scotswoman in a tartan with her hair pulled back into a severe bun, mouth pursed in disapproval at some of the children at the table clad in red and gold. He would definitely need to talk to her about that. It wouldn't do for the children of the house of lions to be uncomfortable now.

     It was the sudden flutter of wings and small barking sound that brought Dumbledores gaze further down the table to where a handsome snowy owl with a harness attach to its back landed. He watched as the beautiful bird stuck its leg out for the dour man to take its missive then settled in to wait patiently.

     A few tense second later after the potions master finished reading a slight quirk of the lip flashed on his face before he reached out to slowly pet the bird. Causing Dumbledore to muse silently to himself who's bird it was until McGonagall broke him from his thoughts.

    "Severus who does that lovely owl belong to? I could swear I've seen him before I just can't place my finger on it."

    Severus a young man with a perpetual scowl marring his features with a crooked hooked nose from it being broken one to many times and somewhat long and greasy hair tilted his head. His features became more pinched with his annoyance as he subtly smoothed his black robes before pinning her with his onyx eyes.

     "This is Archer Lily's own from the Potter family roost. The keeper of the roost has told me he wishes to remain with me as my own personal owl."

     As Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak a sudden shutter passed through him as a sense of foreboding settled over him. Narrowing his eyes Dumbledore slowly sent his magic out into the wards to see where this feeling was coming from. It took him a few moments before the unadulterated fury of a pissed off witch echoed on his senses.

      Eyes widening Dumbledore quickly commanded the doors of the great hall to slam shut silencing the chatter from the various students. All the teachers looked to the headmaster as he kept his blue eyes trained on the large, ancient oak doors. The air around him was practically charged with dread filled energy.

     Huffing McGonagall opened her mouth to demand what he was up to when the walls of the castle shuttered and the walls groaned. Not long after every person within the great hall could practically taste the unadulterated fury crackling around them. It was thick and intense and directed at someone yet no one could tell who.

    All the teachers slowly pulled out their wands frozen to their seats as all eyes focused on the doors. It took just a few moments before the sound of heels hitting stone in brisk steps echoed from beyond the doors. The sound reverberating ominously off the walls causing everyone to suck in and hold their breath.

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