Chapter 1

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(Cursing used warning)

Willows POV~

"Willow, you need to go out and rob that bank you said you would do 3 days ago!" Crusty face complained. I am honestly sick of listening to his whining, just because I want to have fun instead of steal some shit for this league.
"Yeah whatever, i'll go later Crusty. Maybe I'll get you some chap stick and moisturizer while i'm out " I reply in a monotonous tone. I've been taught by uncle Chizome not to express my true emotions as it could get me in danger. I left the room to prepare my self for the robbery, I could tell by Emo Toast laughing that Crusty is ready to kill me.

When I arrive to my small room in the corner of the house i go over to my wardrobe and pull out my black bodysuit, face mask, my lace gloves and thigh high boots. My outfit was mostly black with a hint of red as they are my favorite colours to wear 

 My outfit was mostly black with a hint of red as they are my favorite colours to wear 

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~~After getting ready~~

I wander out into the bar again expecting to be stared at again, which of course happened.
"I'm off to the bank i'll be back later" I say walking out the door only to be whistled at by Twice and thankfully Emo Toast slaps him for me. I make myself weightless using Gyrokinesis to get to the bank easier. When I arrive I use Essekinesis to make everyone see their own fantasies while I load up my sacks to take back to the bar. As soon as I am done I use Gyrokinesis again to make myself and the sacks lighter and remove the Essekinesis used on the civilians.

~~Back at the bar~~ 

 I stop my quirk and walk into the bar with the 10 sacks
"Happy now Crusty?" I smirk while walking over to Dabi and lean on his shoulder after using my quirk a lot.
"Yeah good job, Mystique" Shiggy states calling me my villain name. All I do is eye roll as Dabi chuckles a little.

I finish my drink at the bar as Toga skips over to me smiling as usual. 
"Lola-sama notice me!!" She cries before grabbing my arm. 
"If I notice you, will you go annoy Dabi for me?" I state before looking in her honey yellow eyes
"YES! and thank you lola-sama for noticing me" she cries out before running off to find Toast boy and annoy the shit out of him for me.

I was changing back into my plain grey hoodie and black shorts until I heard someone knocking on my door vigorously 
"Coming, just a sec!" I yell before pulling my long white hair into a ponytail. To my dismay I open it to see a pissed off  Shigaraki
"What?" I ask staring at his handless face. He just barges into my room and sits on the chair at my desk
"Do you know why I am mad Willow?" He asks glaring daggers into my face. I simply shake my head slightly and wait for him to answer his obviously rhetorical question. "I am mad because 1. you call me 'Crusty' and 2. you still wear that awful costume even after we spoke about it multiple times during what we had and not" he spat
I stare at him dumbfounded "Ok 1. I call you Crusty because everyone EXCEPT YOU likes it and 2. we broke up ages ago because you were too controlling and I needed a break from you!"

Me and Shigaraki argued for a while and I had started to assume the whole league were at my door from both of us yelling, Dabi knew better than to come in otherwise I would end up using his own quirk against him or disappearing for a while. 
"WHY DON'T YOU GO TO YOUR NEW LOVER THEN YOU WHORE!" Shigaraki yells at me. I stare at him in pure shock and anger
"YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU! THIS IS WHY I SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE!" I scream back before grabbing my phone and a spare face mask, storming out only to see the league (as expected) outside my room.
"THE FUCK YOU ALL LOOKING AT?!" I yell at them before storming out going nowhere-in-particular. Then I heard my phone ping

Emo Toast boy 🔥🍞

Where are you going?

Smol hero killer

No where, away from that asshole

Emo Toast boy 🔥🍞

Okay. Lemme know if you need to talk or anything or when you are ready to come back

Smol hero killer

Okay, I will. Bye

I turn my screen off and just sit on the edge of a building I had previously climbed. It was my favorite spot to sit in and it was also the spot that uncle sometimes came to. I was about to get down again before I heard foot steps behind me, I quickly pulled my spare mask up and turned to face the figure

"Are you okay miss?" A smooth voice called out. Oh crap it's....


Chapter 1 done. Again thanks to Asheypooh for the inspiration
I wonder who is going to be there...?

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