Chapter Fifteen: Pulled Apart

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean you got separated? That portal is supposed to go to one location, it's a good distance away from a military facility. Where are you? I'll see if I can pick up on her energy and trace her with that." Maximus' voice says, crackling slightly.

"I'm back at the place I entered your world from. Is the facility you're talking about the same one from the video of your first entrance into this world? If so, she might not be far, I'm at the military facility, it's abandoned now, at least it seems to be." I state walking towards the gates.

Glass shards crunch beneath the boots that Maximus gave to me, if he hadn't they'd likely be digging through my shoe into my foot right about now. For someone that seems to hate me, he sure does a lot to help. Maybe it's all an act, and he cares the tiniest bit for my well-being.

I put the communicator away, scaling the fence with as little movement as possible. My ribs ache each time I lift my arms towards the next chain-link grip point. I grit my teeth, not allowing the pain to stop me. Upon reaching the top I stop, wire with barbs and what looks to be an active electrical wire runs along it.

Crap, what am I supposed to do now? Maybe if I avoid gripping the electrical wire, I'll be fine, and it'll just be like a small zap.

A small demore flitters its fuzzy wings, lowering its scaled, long body to rest on the wire. It lets out a single squeak, before falling dead to the ground smoking.

Or not...All I have to do is avoid the wire, the barbed pieces are hovering but not in contact, I just need to get enough push to jump over it. Kai's alone in a world she's unfamiliar with, I can't waste time sitting here.

I close my eyes, walking my feet close to my hands. Bouncing slight I test the strength of the fence before kicking off and releasing my grip. My body sails high into the air, flying over the wires, my face and upper torso clear the danger zone before gravity begins to pull me towards the ground.

Pain shoots down my calf, and my descent halts.  I look up from my upside down position, barbed wire clings to the suit, digging into my skin just above the top of the ankle high boots. My foot begins to fall towards the electrical wire. I tense my body, pulling against the barbs piercing my flesh.

Twisting my body, I grab the chain link fence behind me. Once my grip is tight, I reach one hand further down than the other, yanking my leg roughly in an attempt to free it. The force of the pull sends my legs over my head, I lose my hold and free fall to the ground twenty feet below.

Unable to recover, my right leg impacts with the ground, a loud crack accompanied by intense burning pain makes me crumple to the ground. "Dammit!"

I sit up, looking at my leg to access the damage. Blood soaks through a visible hole in the suit, I look closer, seeing a white piece sticking out.  "That's bone, shit."

Using the fence for support, I stand up on my left leg. The right is twisted inward at a sickening angle. There's no way I'm going to be able to put weight on that. Regardless of this knowledge, I take a step, gasping and falling forward.

If I find a med bank, I can fix this. At least here we have advantaged enough medicine to heal bone injuries and speed general healing. I just need to locate one. But first, I should hop along, perhaps using a stick for support, to find Kai.

I locate a perfect size stick, using it to balance myself as I drag my useless leg on the ground. Lifting it hurts far too much to walk miles like that.

The communicator beeps, luckily not broken by the fall. I stop, taking it out of the knapsack. "Did you find her?" I ask gritting my teeth when another wave of pain shoots up my leg.

"Yes, she hasn't moved far from the starting position of the portal, she's probably waiting there for you." Maximus says.

"Okay, I'll let you know when I find her." I declare, dropping the communicator back in the bag.

I awkwardly hop, dragging my leg for what feels like hours, going towards the place Maximus directed me to. A building becomes visible in the distance, the closer I get the larger it becomes.

Stopping far enough away to not be visible, I pull the communicator out. This can't be right, if Kai's where Maximus said, that means she's in there.

"Did you find her?" He asks.

"No, where is her energy showing up again?" I ask watching people in lab coats mill about in the front door of the towering, white building with barred windows.

I hear the tapping of keys from his end. "She should be no more than half a mile away, and at a slightly lower elevation than you, perhaps a canyon of something."

My heart skips a beat when my fears are confirmed. Kai's in that building.

WC: 27, 179 (Even though it did not make it through the next round, I'm curious as to how many words it will be upon completion.)

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