Chapter Fourteen: No Rest For The Thinker

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Awkward silence stretches out unending at the dining room table. Grayson stares at Maximus as if he is waiting for the man to hit him. Maximus likewise glares at Grayson as if he's intent on murdering him.

I have no idea what happened after he was knocked unconscious. But I am happy they seem to no longer be trying to kill each other.... Physically anyway, they are definitely murdering each other in their minds. There's no hiding the intent glowing in those eyes.

Now that I showered, changed, and took something for my headache, I am feeling much better, refreshed even. This is the first time I am this awake at breakfast. Despite being up all night, I do not feel tired, simply excited at the strange new world around me. Besides the angry spirits that seem to hate my guts for some reason. But they seem to be in better spirits today, ha, spirits being in good spirits. That's as corny as it is hilarious.

I quickly eat the delicious crepe' covered in fresh strawberries and whipped topping before returning my attention to the death stare contest while I sip on my orange juice. Maximus purposefully chose to seat Grayson within arms reach. Maybe he's just worried that he'll go crazy again like he did earlier? I doubt that's all there is to his reasoning, but it's one I will be satisfied with until I get a better explanation.

By today's end, I plan to get an answer for all of the strangeness. Something about the way Maximus fidgeted earlier leads me to believe he did not tell me the whole truth. He also pulled Grayson away multiple times for 'questioning'. Between the two of them, there is many secrets they have chosen to keep from me. Which is just plain rude. I deserve to know about everything that's going on! I'm no younger than Grayson and refuse to be treated like a child.

The idea of being one of many dimensions is thrilling. I wonder how many different cultures, discoveries, and species there are... Well, were. Though I'm sure there are still more out there, many of them died as a result of discovery or at least that's what Maximus told me. It's so sad that something so innocent had dire consequences.

If I had the power, I would travel back in time and stop my mothers project from working, even if it meant erasing myself from existence, because of her never meeting my father. Saving that many worlds is worth it. I cannot imaging living day to day with that guilt on my shoulders in the way that Maximus does. Despite the irritating things he does, he's truly a remarkable man. I just wish there was a way to erase, or ease his overwhelming guilt.

"Kai!" Maximus calls, breaking me from my stream of consciousness.

"Yes!" I shout back, as it is required to be heard across this table.

"I've changed my mind. You and Grayson are going to be sent on a mission to find your parents! You will start with his dimension, since it is the most likely candidate!" He shouts.

Grayson jumps with each loud word. I giggle at how confused he looks. Since he's never been at the table with us before, he probably finds the shouting excessively strange. I was not a big fan of it when I first moved here either....

When I find my parents, it will be strange going back to the life I lived before. While I miss my friends, I know this is not something I'll be allowed to share with them. Anyone outside of my family will see me as crazy. If I had not received my first kiss by a complete stranger from another dimension, I would agree with them.

I blush, remembering the weird tingling sensation.

Things will never be the same, even if they are similar to the way they used to be. I am not the same, this experience has changed me. I'm not quite sure whether it's for the better or not yet, but I'm sure I will find out soon enough.

Across Dimensions (ONC 2020)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें