27: Does Eri Trust You? Why? Why Not?

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°Aries - No. (You're too loud)°

•Taurus - No. (You remind her of Overhaul)•

○Gemini - No. (You don't listen to her all the time)○

●Cancer - Yes. (She thinks of you like a sibling)●

◇Leo - Yes. (She thinks you're funny)◇

◆Virgo - No. (She dislikes your quirk)◆

☆Libra - Yes. (You make her happy)☆

¤Scorpio - No. (Whenever you restrain your quirk, she thinks you're scary. Only because you scream becuse you think they're gonna hurt you)¤

★Sagittarius - Yes. (You have teaparties with her)★

♡Capricorn - No. (You're scary)♡

♥Aquarius - Yes. (You're a very understanding person)♥

■Pisces - Yes. (You protect her)

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