18: What Does Katsuki Bakugou Think Of You?

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°Aries - "They've got guts, I'll give 'em that."°

•Taurus - "Another fucking Deku!"•

○Gemini - "Just an extra."○

●Cancer - "I think this damn nerd is planning to kill us all."●

◇Leo - "Would be cool if they didn't hang out with Deku so much..."◇

◆Virgo - "A fellow emo. I respect that."◆

☆Libra - "We're constantly arguing."☆

¤Scorpio - "Refer back to my answer for Cancer."¤

★Sagittarius - "Unsure of who they are as a person."★

♡Capricorn - "Another shitty hair, but that's cool."♡

♥Aquarius - "Meh."♥

■Pisces - "They can be absolutely terrifying...."

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