9: Who Do You Meet First?

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°Aries - Hitoshi Shinso. You were about to be late and you accidentally ran into him. You told him to 'move his ass out of the way' before you punched him. He asked you what you would do if he didn't move. You begn to answer him, which led him to brain washing you. All in all, not a very pleasant first impression of you.°

•Taurus - Setsuna Tokage. She saw you all alone in the hallway, and being the person she is, she came right up to you and started chatting away.•

○Gemini - Izuku Midoriya. You, Izuku, and Bakugou were all friends as kids. Inko trusted you to keep Izuku safe at school, so she had you walk him to school.○

●Cancer - Kosei Tsuburaba. He felt he was better than you, so he made fun of you and then laughed with Neito Monoma. (Monoma wasn't actually laughing at us tho. You're welcome BrainWashBoy. I know you love copycat boy.)

◇Leo - Mina Ashido. She has been your friend since you were both in diapers. She saw you at school and legitimately tackle-hugged you.◇

◆Virgo - Ochaco Uraraka. You were being stupid, and ended up running from Iida in the halls. You ran into Uraraka, knocking her down and you fell on top of her. You couldn't stop apologizing, and Iida had slowly backed away entirely confused.◆

☆Libra - Ejiro Kirishima. He hadn't eaten breakfast, so you bought him food. This is why you two are best friends.☆

¤Scorpio - Ibara Shiozaki. You two instantly became friends because of you two being annoyed with everyone's stupidity.¤

★Sagittarius - Shoto Todoroki. You though he looked interesting, so you just began talking to him. He actually seemed cool with you over some others. (Bakugou and Aries).★

♡Capricorn - Neito Monoma. He looked a bit uninterested with whatever Kosei was talking to him about, so you decided to bail him out of it. He thanked you once before heading off to class.♡

♥Aquarius - Nejire Hado. She, Mirio, and Tamaki were all talking to one another, but you were lost. So you went upnto the first person you saw and asked them where 1-A was. That person was Nejire.  She helped you happily, practically dragging you to your class.♥

■Pisces - Momo Yaoyorozu. You were making jokes with Kamanari, you friend before UA, when Momo came up to you two and wanted to know if we had seen a girl name Kyoka Jiro. Denki had but you were confused. 'Who?' You asked the two. Denki looked at you as if he were offended, but Momo looked at you as if surprised. 'Sorry, didn't notice you there! Kyoka Jiro is my best friend, and Kamanari's crush.' When she walked away, you teased Denki quite a bit because of his crush.□

○w○ Hope you enjoyed

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