Chapter 6

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Gabriel was surprised to say the least. The school was so much more better than the other one. He walked behind Castiel as he listened to Azazel and Lucifer gossip like fucking schoolgirls. He bumped into a tall guy with a long ass neck. "Watch where you're going, jackass," the guy sneered in this creepy voice. Gabriel flipped him off and kept walking. What a big bag of dicks. I can tell already that this school year is going to be bitchin'.

He twirled the cherry lollipop in his mouth. He got a few curious glances, but that's all they were, curious. He honestly quite liked the attention. He flipped his hair and put his hand on his hip as he cat walked down the hallway. Lucifer whistled behind him and said, "Damn, dat ass tho." Gabriel looked behind him with a smirk and a wink at Luci. Lucifer mock fainted while Azazel caught him and said, "He's too hot to handle, I know," repeatedly as he held him.

Gabriel snickered while looking around at the new people. Now who is the perfect target for my first prank at my new school. He noticed Castiel was distracted by this cute student. Not my type. That's when he noticed that Castiel was dipping him like a dancer. They were having really intense eye sex and Gabriel was getting a little uncomfortable watching it. He snapped his fingers to catch his attention, but it was to no avail. 

He opted to talk to his other brothers but they were jumping and squealing watching it. You know what, I'll join too. And that's how Azazel, Gabriel, and Lucifer Novak were in the middle of the hallway celebrating like Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe. They finally calmed down and did their secret handshake while high-fiving each other. 

It seemed like the boy in Castiel's arms was blushing. Oh? It seems like Castiel got a little welcoming gift. Gabriel pouted because he wanted one too. He nudged Castiel and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, but Castiel didn't see it because he was too busy staring at his blushing teen.

Gabriel then walked off on his own to scope out a nice circle of friends. What he didn't expect to find, was a handsome, majestic moose putting in his combination in his locker. He's fucking tall! The moose had to be 6 4" at least and he had long, brown hair, too. He was dressed in a green jacket with a plaid shirt underneath. He was wearing very  form-fitting gray skinny jeans with high-tops on. Gabriel's lollipop fell out of his mouth at the sight. He quickly straightened up when the most beautiful hazel eyes looked straight at him. 

He quickly fell into 'Gay Queen' mode and sauntered right up to the moose. "Hi there!" Gabriel said with a southern drawl. Then the man laughed and it was the most beautiful thing Gabriel had ever heard. (A/N: Cliche.) Whoo boy I think I'm fallin'. Gabriel smiled and said," So what's your name Moose?" The moose stared at him with an eyebrow quirked in amusement. "My name is Sam, but I guess moose fits me pretty well," Sam said with a shrug. Well doesn't that voice do things to me. "Samantha, Samsquatch, Sammy, I got a lot of nicknames for you, pretty boy," Gabriel said with a grin. 

Sam blushed and shuffled his feet. How the fuck does a 6 4" moose with Jesus hair get all shy? It's adorable though, I'll give him that. "What's your name?" Sam asked. "The Trickster," Gabriel said with flamboyant hand gestures. Sam bitch-faced him and look at him expectantly. "Oh you're no fun Samantha. My name is Gabriel, but you are free to call me The Trickster," he said with a bow.

It looked like Sam was about to say something, but the bell rang and he scurried off to class. Gabriel had a shit-eating grin on his face as he watched him trip over his feet. He will admit he looked at that ass because damn was he foine. (A/N: This isn't a spelling mistake, it's just how you should pronounce it.) Target acquired.

Finally some Sabriel. Well, hope y'all enjoyed. 

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