Chapter 4

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Castiel walked through the school with his brothers behind him. All acting like usual. Azazel and Lucifer were threatening to pull each other's bra straps while Gabriel was twirling a lollipop in his mouth. He looked around the hallway. Everything was so new. The school was in much better shape than their previous one. The lockers were shiny and the floors were clean. The only problem for Castiel is that there were so many students. It seems this is going to involve... talking... to people. His people skills were a little rusty.

With the idiots in tow, none of the attention was on him. That he was grateful for. That was when he spotted a student about to be tripped. Now Castiel's reflexes are inhuman. They're almost... not natural (A/N: Gotcha bitch), so he was able to grab him before he fell. When the boy turned around... that was a whole different story. The boy had soft features. He had sun-kissed skin and his body was lean and wiry, like a cheetah. Freckles were splattered across his nose and cheeks. His lips were downright sinful, all pink and perfect. But his eyes. His eyes were an unnatural shade of green. Peridot mixed with lime. They were bright and beautiful. This being he was holding was... beautiful in every way. Ooh boy. Hippity hoppity, that is now my property. This kid is mine.

The boy blushed and Castiel was in love right then and there. It was adorable. "T-thanks. Um, a-are you new? I haven't seen you around before," he stuttered out. He's even stuttering. How cute. That voice though. It was a pleasant, soothing rumble. Gorgeous, just like him. "Yes, I am. I'm Castiel. And you are?" Castiel replied smoothly. He had made his voice deeper on purpose to see the effects. The results were quite successful. His whole face turned red and he was short for breath. It caused some very... distracting thoughts to come to mind. Let's see how short of breath I can make you somewhere else. Whoa. Down boy. Not yet. "I'm D-dean. Dean Winchester," Dean yet again stuttered. He straightened himself and had a look of determination on his face. He was trying to salvage his dignity. Castiel smirked. This is going to be loads of fun.

Sadly, the bell rang, and the green-eyed beauty sprinted to class. But not before giving Castiel a smile that made him fall harder. Gabriel nudged him while Azazel and Lucifer made kissing faces and made a heart with their hands. They fanned themselves and whispered in each others ears, Azazel slapping Lucifer on the shoulder as he gasped. Gabriel was just looking at him amused. "Fuck off," Castiel said dismissively as he walked to class. He could hear the offended huffs as he walked to class. All he could think about was the boy that captured his heart in mere seconds.

Bitch don't judge me. I'm a sap. Anyway, I think I like how the story is progressing. I'll probably update every night, but I can't make any promises.

By the way, 'Hippity hoppity that is now my property' is not mine. My friend said it when she looked at her now girlfriend. Isn't it romantic?

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