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C h a r l i e

"The party can now start."Charlie enters the room throwing her arms in the air with her friends laughing at her and cheering her on, Charlie was invited by her best friend Calum to his party along with his other friends whom was her friends also. "Where's Calum?" Charlie ask her dear friend Michael who was making out wih some girl but he heard her and pointed to a direction and Charlie diverts her attention to it seeing Michael pointing at the kitchen.

Charlie let her feet lead her to the way to the kitchen seeing Calum sitting on the chair with a drink sipping in his hand tapping away on his phone.

"Hey Kid." Charlie teases slapping his head alerting Calum's attention. "Jesus, what was that for?" Calum groans rubbing the back of his head.

Charlie sighs loudly and plopping down on Calum's lap probably crushing his baby maker. "It's time for me to rant."

Calum wraps his arm around Charlie's waist bringing her closer, "No, I invited you to this party to have fun not to rant." Calum says. "No Calum, It's pretty important." Charlie exhaled not caring at the fact Calum was holding her like that, They've done worst and everyone thought they were a couple and they would just laugh it off.

"Okay babe tell me." Calum gives in and Charlie kisses his cheek without thinking. "Okay, This morning I went to the coffee shop because you know and basically everyone knows I love coffee and I stood in the line for like five to ten minutes and some rude guy came in front of me and barged in front of me like he owns the place, You know how I am so I told him to go to the back of the line and he refused and we started this conflict and we got kicked out of the coffee shop. Calum's that's my favorite coffee shop." Charlie speaks without taking a single breath.

While Charlie speaks calum starts to chuckle and Charlie stops talking and turns around to look at him, "Are you laughing?" Charlie ask pursing her lips awaiting for an answer from Calum.

"I'm sorry but it's kind of funny." Calum confesses and Charlie stands up shaking her head. "This is why I don't ever tell you anything!" Charlie shouts then turning her heel and exiting out the door-with Calum callling her and running after her.

Charlie sucks in her bottom lip turning the corner to go to her friends but bumped into someone making her bite her lip, Charlie winces and steps back letting her finger glide on her lip, she pull her finger back seeing that it has blood on it. "Darn it, god gave you two eyes for a reason." Charlie groans and placed her hand on her mouth.

"I could say the same for you." The person says making Charlie lift up her head to look at the person. "You." Charlie snarled moving her hand from her mouth.

"Hey, What's wrong?" Calum ask standing beside her and inspecting her lip, "This is the guy I just ranted about." Charlie folds her arm ignoring the piercing pain from her bottom lip.

Calum's eyebrows pinch together and look up at the boy, "Ashton?" Calum ask slightly confused and Ashton smirks greeting him.

Charlie looks at Calum then Ashton, "You know this idiot?" Charlie ask Calum and Calum hesistantly nod. "It's good to know that you like me enough to tell a story about how we met." Ashton says with a deviously smirk plastered onto his face.

"First you get me kicked out of my favoorite coffee shop and now you made me bust my lip." Charlie grumbles then brush past him heading upstairs to wash off her mouth. Charlie holds onto the railing while walking up the stairs, she twist the knob open then shutting it back. She looks at the mirror and starts to wash off her lip.

Unexpectedly the door opens and Charlie looks at the mirror seeing Ashton coming inside, Charlie ignores his presence and continues to wash off the blood that was going down the drain. Ashton sighs loudly ruffling his hair, "Need help?" Ashton ask going closer to Charlie.

Once again Charlie doesn't answer which doesn't surprise Ashton. "Sit on the counter." Ashton orders and Charlie shrugs doing so. "Um, Can you spread your legs for me to open up the bottom cupboard?" Ashton ask. "Pervert." Charlie mumbles and part her legs.

Ashton kneels down opening the cupboard and sticking his hand inside and searching inside of it, he pulls his hand out seeing as he grabbed a bag of cotton wool and bandages inside. Ashton shuts the cupboard and stands back up. He opens the bag taking out one cotton wool and wetting it slightly. Ashton swallows his saliva going inbetween her legs making her flinched.

"What are you doing?" Charlie instantly ask. "I'm helping you." Was ashton's response. without any warning Ashton presses the cotton wool onto her pink lips making her hiss in pain. "Sh." Ashton whispers and presses more pressure on her lip. Charlie takes that advantage and study his face. Charlie didn't even realize when Ashton placed a small bandage on her lip.

"Charlie." Ashton waves his hand in front of her face making her blink rapidly. "Yeah?" Charlie mutters. "You're finish." Ashton steps back.

"Uh, Thank you." Charlie gulps. Silence overtook the room, they didn't say a word for a whole minute until Ashton speaks up. "Anytime you want that coffee of yours, keep that paper in hand." Ashton grins then opens the door leaving and Charlie exactly knew what he meant.


vote\comment for me please. check out my other stories also. feedback would be nice

Zoey deutch plays as Charlie

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