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C h a r l i e

             Charlie stood in the line of a coffee shop waiting for her turn to come, this would happen almost every morning. Charlie couldn't go a day without getting coffee-she would go crazy. If she didn't get it then one of her fellow friends would get it for her. Charlie checked her time on her watch and groaning almost loudly. Charlie was the kind of person that wanted to be punctual and didn't want to have a bad record at work. She worked very hard to get that job knowing how it would be difficult to get jobs in this type of generation.

            Charlie thoughts were rudely interuptted by someone barging in front of her, Charlie didn't waste any time in tapping his shoulder, the boy didn't turn around or even acknowlege Charlie and Charlie tapped his harder making him sigh loudly an turning around.

            "What could you possibly want?" The boy snaps and Charlie has a shock expression written all over her face.

            "You barged in front of me, if you didn't know there's a line." Charlie protest showing back the same attitude that he showed her.

            The mystery boy rolls his eyes turning back around and Charlie walks in front of him smirking. And that's how it started. they kept going in front of one another but what they didn't know that someone behind them went and complained for both of them.

            Charlie glares at him and taking a step to cut in front of him but was stopped by the manager, "I'm going to ask you both to leave." The manager says.

            "What?" Both Charlie and the boy ask, "We got a complaint from one of our customers that both of you are making conflic in the line and holding up people who have to get to work." The manager says and lifiting his finger up motioning for the security guard to come for Charlie and the boy.

            Charlie eyes widen nodding to the manager heading out the door embarrassed but the boy thinked otherwise trying to fight the security resulting with him being thrown out of the coffee shop.

            Charlie purse her lips walking up to Ashton pushing him, "This is all your fault!" Charlie shouts and the boy dust off his shirt ignoring the shouting by the attractive girl, he acually think she looks hot with her shouting.

            "Yeah, I get that alot." The boy shrugs then folding his arms amused by Charlie's face.

            "You're going to have to get me coffee." Charlie has a smug smirk on her face and the boy laughs shaking his head.

            "In your dreams princess." He says then starting to walk away. The boy glances back at her smiling, "Did anyone ever told you that you look hot when you're angry."

            "I hope to never see you again!" Charlie stomps back to her car, Charlie was at the point of not caring if she got to work late, she needed the coffee-it was an addiction. Charlie searched through her pockets for her key, she takes out a small paper and her car keys. Charlie twist the key into the car socket and opening the door sitting in the driver's seat and opening the paper.

'Call me sometime'- Coffee boy(Ashton)



I know this SUCKED

Charlie will have attitude and all of that in this book so don't complain

sorry if any errors :) and check out my other fanfics please ty

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