Return (Part I)

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I can't believe it's already been one year. One year without Nat, without her smile. So I thought about this five minutes ago and here we are! Enjoy <3

« Are you ready, Steve? »

Steve nods. He's standing in the center of the miniature version of Tony's time machine. He's standing there, waiting for Bruce to see him back in the past to return the infinity stones to their original places.

« Don't forget to return them at the exact moment we borrowed them. »

« Yes, I know, I know. »

They've been over this a million times. Every stone must be returned to the exact moment it was taken. That's something the ancient one insisted on when the Hulk took the Stone of Time in 2012.

« Okay... » Bruce starts typing on the machine keyboard. « Initiating miniaturization sequence... Going down in 3...2...1... »

« Good luck, Steve, » Bucky says.

Steve smiles and deploys his helmet.

« Now! »

And there he goes.

« Okay... » Bruce reverses the levers « back in 3...2...1... »

He pushes the button and... nothing. Steve's not there.

« Bruce, where's Steve? » Bucky asks him, frowning.

« I don't know, I don't understand! He should be here! » Bruce yells out.

« Try again! » Sam commands him.

Bruce keeps trying and trying but nothing works.

« I don't get it! It's all right, the lights are green, there's power so why isn't he here? »

« There must be something wrong somewhere! » Bucky yells.

Suddenly, the machine cracks. The power is at its maximum and the brightness is so high that the three friends have to hide their eyes. When this one is back to normal, something is lying on the floor.

« NATASHA » Bruce exclaims as he runs towards it.

Natasha's body is there, still in her suit. There's blood in her hair and she seems to be in pain, but just seeing her chest move up and down gives Bruce more joy than he could have imagined. He takes her in his arms and runs inside to take her to the medical team.

« Please take good care of her! »

« Bruce! There's something wrong with the machine again! »

Bruce goes back outside and looks at the machine, which starts to break again like minutes before. Once again, something appears.

« Steve! » Bucky runs out and helps his friend who's having trouble getting up. « How'd you do it? How did you get her back? »

« Is she... is she okay? » He worries.

« She needs a lot of care, but she should be fine. »

Steve lets his tears flow. He did. He succeeded. She's back. Understanding, Bucky doesn't say a word.

« Let's go meet her, shall we? »

Steve agrees. Following his best friend, he walks through the headquarters. After all, he couldn't leave his better half behind, could he?

Part II coming tomorrow! <3

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