Before it's too late

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« Wanda, have you seen Nat? »

« Last time I saw her, she was in the kitchen, Clint. »

Clint makes his way to the kitchen. There's a delicious smell of cake in the air. Judging by the smell of lemon, it must be Pepper's famous lemon ginger cake. The sounds of glass resonate. The Avengers' tower, usually so quiet, is for one evening the scene of festivities. After all, it's not every day they can celebrate Hydra's fall. When Clint arrives at the door, he glances around the room and locates Nat, sitting on a stool. She seems to be in the middle of a conversation with Carol. Clint smiles. He loves to see them talking. They look like two sisters. He comes back into the living room and sits on the sofa.

« Lost in your thoughts, Hawkeye? »

Clint startles. He hadn't heard Steve coming up behind him.

« I'm just enjoying the party. I don't think that's against the law. »

Steve laughs. « No, I don't think so either. »

« Are you all right, Captain? I know this kind of party isn't really your thing. »

« It's okay, don't worry about it. Besides, it's the team. - He looks around - it's kind of like a big family reunion. Even Jarvis is in on the party. »

« Speaking of Jarvis, nothing to do with it but did you notice how close Nat and Carol have gotten? I'm so happy that Nat is finally opening up. »

Steve frowns and stares at his glass. Clint bites his lip. He's forgotten how complicated it was between Steve and Nat. For almost a month now, there's been constant tension in the air whenever they're in the same room. So much so that Clint never knows whether they're going to kiss or fight. When Nat declared her love to Steve, shortly before their attack on one of Hydra's last bases, it surprised everyone, Steve first. Not knowing what to do, Steve didn't answer and ran out of the room. Nat then closed in on herself and acted as if nothing had happened. However, Clint noticed the little twitch in her hand every time Steve entered the room. He noticed that no matter what happened, she managed not to be alone with Steve in the room. He noticed that she never looks directly at Steve. Most importantly, he noticed the look on Steve's face when he looks at Nat, the look that says it all.

« You know, you should talk to her, » he says seriously.

« Talk to who? »

« Nat, of course. »

« And why should I do that? »

« Because if this goes on and Tony gets involved, you won't be able to resist for long. I feel like he's had enough, and knowing him, he'd be able to lock you two in a room for days. You know he would. »

Steve sighs. « I didn't know it was that obvious... But I can't do this. »

« I know it's hard, but you should do it before it's too late. And by too late, I mean before Tony kills one of you OR before someone else gets in the way. »

« I'll think about it, okay? »

Steve smiles and puts his hand on Clint's shoulder. Eager for a change of scenery, he wanders around the room. There are a lot of people, the Avengers of course, but also other people he has never seen before. Without realizing it, his footsteps lead him to the side of the bar, where Nat is now in the middle of a conversation with a man. And even though he doesn't know him, Steve immediately hates him. Not wanting to be noticed, he sits on the other side of the bar.

« Jarvis, is Nat wearing her earpiece? »

« Yes, Captain. »

« Connect me. »

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