Exhausted Van and Face Masks

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You were woken up by the sounds of Larry and Van arguing in the kitchen. Something that doesn't happen very often, but when it does it's heated and normally caused by lack of sleep and complete exhaustion.

They came home from tour last night and you could tell they hadn't slept in days, partying too hard in the heat of Australia was most probably the cause of it. Normally you'd be on tour with them, but your mum had gotten sick so you had to stay behind and care for her, luckily she was now back on the road to recovery.

Larry and Van were still shouting by the time you'd made the bed and pulled on one of Vans old hoodies with 'THE STREETS' logo printed across it, you didn't bother putting on any trousers and decided to wander downstairs in a little lace thong, Larry didn't care he was used to seeing you half naked all the time, not to mention the amount of times he's walked in on you and Van. You knew that their argument was so heated that the only way to distract Van and diffuse the situation was with the irresistible lace that barely covered the most vulnerable parts of you.

You walk into the kitchen, "Cheers for waking us up" you say very calmly as you gently but seductively brush past Van and walk over to the kettle. You pay neither of them any attention and begin making yourself a cup of tea the room went very silent, even with your back turned you could feel Van's eyes glued to you and you heard Larry quietly shuffle out the room.

You made 3 teas out of habit not realising they had just drunk one, but the boys would still happily drink it, apart from strong alcohol tea was the one of the many things they all shared a passion for Yorkshire tea being the 'King of tea' in Bondy's eyes. You still didn't give any attention to Van and just placed his tea on the table in front of him and walked out with Larry's. You knocked on Larry's bedroom door. Handed the brew to him and sat on his bed.
"What was all that about then?" You ask. Larry sips his tea and looks up
"I dunno Y/N, neither of us really meant it. We're just both dead tired. You know what we get like when we're tired we will start an argument over fucking anything." You laughed, this was true. When them two get over tired they behave like spoilt 4 year olds, and actually a lot of the time it's amusing to watch.

You sat on Larry's bed for a bit longer telling him how all the fan accounts were posting about the fact he should bring back the headbands again, you heard Vans heavy footsteps becoming louder as he approached Larry's door, he opened it and plonked down beside you
"I see how it is." Van grumbles
"See how what is?" You ask looking over and pulling a confused face at Larry,
"You don't talk to me all morning then come and chat shit about me up 'ere, with him." He replies nodding his head into Larry's direction
"Oh Van stop it you're-" you began but Larry quickly interrupted
"It's alright mate. We weren't chatting shit. I just fingered her that's all. I wouldn't sit there tho that's where she came." Larry sniggered, normally Van would laugh and go over and smack him in the face or make a snide comeback, but he was too tired and just threw Larry a dirty look.

Larry knew what he was doing, he's a little shit and knew and exactly how to push Vans buttons. You roll over on your stomach and glance up to Van, he was sulking but looked exhausted, the dark circles around his eyes dominated his face and his hair was greasy. God knows when he last had a shower.
"Fuck off Larry mate. Stop pushing buttons." You say glaring over your shoulder back at him, you had a little smirk on your face, big enough for Larry to see that you weren't being totally serious but small enough so Van didn't see and totally tip him off the edge of exhausted anger.

"Right you..." you continued and began to straddle Van planting a kiss on his forehead then swinging your legs around to off the bed. "Shower?" You said while intertwining your fingers around his and gently tugging him to make it clear that was more of an order than a question.

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