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It felt like Pebbles's worst nightmare. His father was dead. Pebbles knew that his greatest fear had come true. Cliffside was crying on the ground as well. Pebbles tried to be strong, tried to be brave, but he couldn't. He couldn't stop the flowing tears. He felt helpless at that moment.


A week passed, and many funerals with it. Pebbles's family was too depressed to have one. As it turns out, Volcano had fought with a group of Mountaindragons and Firedragons as the last line of defense for both tribes kingdoms. Volcano had died, but the fighting had turned the Scorpias south temporarily. The Scorpias had decided to attack the Ice and Sky Kingdoms. This was good because those tribes have better defenses.

Pebbles knew the sacrifice his father had to make. Now he was more afraid that his family would all be killed by Scorpias.

Pebbles was at his favorite spot. He liked to look out at the horizon. "Pebbles, it's getting easier to find you." Cliffside stood behind him. 

"When it's not foggy, I like to see the colors in the sky," said Pebbles.

"Do you want company?" When Pebbles did not answer, she sat by him anyway. "Pebbles. I know this is going to be hard for you to hear, but you have to. I'm going to help the Mountain Kingdom."

Pebbles felt the tears again. Why did this keep happening? He wanted to fly away forever.

Cliffside tried to comfort him, but it did not work. They both sat there. Pebbles cried, but Cliffside couldn't. After a long moment, Cliffside departed down the curved pathway, leaving Pebbles alone. By the time the sun was fully up, Pebbles was done crying. He left his rock and went to the rock for lunch.

For lunch, he ate one worm. He didn't feel like eating. He walked to his room. Cliffside's pouches were already packed. Pebbles didn't know that his sister was leaving so early. He flopped on his bed of rock. The thin layer of plant for a blanket was never useful. Pebbles ripped it up. For a moment, he wasn't scared. He was furious.

That feeling didn't last long. He was back to moping in one minute. A little bit later, Cliffside walked in. She must have known that he saw the pouches because she cried a little, too.

When she was done, she said, "Pebbles, I have to go. Don't be scared. Be brave. I will see you soon."

Pebbles was still afraid as he walked out the door. He loved his sister more than anyone or anything else. He didn't want her to go. But Cliffside went. Outside, lots of dragons were gathering to say goodbye to loved ones. There were sobs and tears. Some dragons seemed excited though. Pebbles couldn't think why.

They were in the streets for a long time. But eventually, they heard a shout from a commander. "All right! Form up!" All the soldier dragons said goodbye one last time. They all started moving to their commander. Cliffside finished embracing her family and followed the other soldiers. She turned around and looked at Pebbles. She mouthed "Be brave," to Pebbles and turned back.

"Attention!" The commander surveyed his troops. "Forward!" He yelled. All the dragons lifted off. As they flew away, Pebbles saw Cliffside give one more glance back. Then they were gone.

Pebbles couldn't be brave. He was not strong or fierce. He was a weak six-year-old dragonet. He knew that trying to carry out Cliffside's orders would be the hardest thing he would have to do in his life.

Pebbles started to cry again. He felt his mother near him, crying too. Pebbles had never liked his mother being so overprotective. But at that moment, he leaned into his mother and let the overprotectiveness in.

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