Break Up Song (sad/fluffy)

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Break Up Song

*Troye’s POV*

“HOW IS THIS MY FAULT?!” He screamed at me, slamming the door of his apartment behind him. I bit my lip and played with my fingers as I lingered awkwardly beside his couch. My lack of response apparently meant nothing. He came dangerously close, so close I could see the tears piercing his bloodshot eyes. It was odd to look into them and not see love.

“Ty please ca-“ I began in nothing but a whisper.


I choked on my tears, hating the way he was scowling at me. The volume of his outburst even caused me to stumble back and fall into the furniture. I hadn’t meant for this.

“It isn’t.” I whispered, not meeting his eyes. He advanced on me again, predator to prey. “But it’s not mine either.”

He reached me and gripped my chin, forcing our eyes to meet. “I never said it was.” His voice had finally gone quiet; as if he were worried I would run away from him.

“Well stop acting like it is! Stop yelling at me! I didn’t tell that-“

“Well stop yelling at ME!” He let go and moved away from me. I whimpered at the loss. I just wanted him to hold me in his arms and make it right. Staring at the frustrated way he ran his hands through his hair, I knew approaching him wasn’t really an option anymore. Could I just stand here and watch though? My legs shook slightly – not as much as my hands – as I took a step towards him. Like the child he often is, he took a step back, making me feel like we were playing some pathetic game of catch. I was done with playing. Moving too quick for him to act, I managed to almost get to him, reaching out my arm to grasp his but he pulled away at the last moment. He stumbled back and that’s when I noticed the tears that had started falling all over again. I thought we were done with that.

“Tyler…” I said in what I’d intended to be a gentle voice but it showed my frustration with his stupid antics. He swallowed roughly and glared at me. “What?” He choked slightly on his words as his voice cracked, “a-am I not even t-Tilly anymore?”

I sighed. “Stop being ridiculous...”

“ME? You…You’re the one that was being ridiculous! He wasn’t…we’re just friends and you-“


I tried to reach for him again but in true cartoon fashion, he moved away. I didn’t like playing cat and mouse here. Why was he so damned stubborn all the time?

He sniffed, “Please don’t…”

I would have left had I had anywhere to go. I knew he didn’t want me here. The way he was hugging himself and not meeting my eyes said it all.

But then he did look up and he didn’t look angry. He was sad. He was weary. I was too.

“Can we just…not…for tonight?”

I nodded, biting my lip again. He sighed and left to go to his room. I wasn’t sure if I should really sleep there tonight, but in any case I didn’t think I’d be getting much sleep so what difference did it make? He shut the door behind him and I sunk down on the floor beside the sofa, head in hands.

I was sick of all these fights. They’d been happening more often, too often. It was always something stupid like looking at someone a little too long or smiling a little too big at someone else. It was never the obvious thing: the distance. I didn’t want to fight but he just didn’t seem to see that. Can’t we just get along?

Our arguments, we kept singing them all to the same tunes and I was sick of it. It wasn’t even like the first time where we just screamed at each other with fire and passion. No, this was tired fighting. This was giving up fighting. Soon, we wouldn’t have anything left to say. We’ve danced around it so long now, but maybe this was the end.

I’d had time to think. I wanted him whether he wanted me too anymore. I’m going to miss this, the way we kissed and laughed and cried together. Love was the only language we knew but now…all we know is cuss words and insults.

I wanted a goodbye. I wanted a night where we could just get along for the night with no fights and hold back all the things we want to say. That’s what I wanted. There was really no other way to end this.

Timidly, I knocked on Tyler’s door. He didn’t say I could come in but he didn’t say I couldn’t. When I walked in, somehow it made it worse. He was cocooned in the blanket still sniffling with his few unshed tears. He was facing away from me and it stung, but I shook away the feeling. I approached the bed slowly in the dark. He wasn’t asleep. I’d been here long enough to know every detail of his sleeping form; the way he sighed, the way he breathed, the way he held himself.

I was going to miss the way he held me in the morning and the way our feet always tangled in the sheets when he rolls over to kiss me. I wished he would do that then but he wouldn’t even look at me as I shifted under the small piece of quilt that was left. When I shuffled closer, he tensed but he didn’t move away.

I wrapped my arms experimentally around him to see if he’d run, or yell at me. He didn’t. When I started to lay light kisses on his now bare shoulder, he didn’t even move. All I wanted was a reaction, any reaction. I just wanted that passion back in him, even if it was in anger at me. I bet he knew this.

I pushed his shoulder down so his back was against the bed, and I climbed over him. His eyes were staring up at me blankly as if I was no one. I placed a hand on either side of his head, testing him. Nothing. More frustration bubbled in me. Before I knew what was happening, I had closed the gap. All the anger I’d been feeling was pushed into that kiss to the point it was bittersweet. It was fiery and the way he kissed me back was the exact reaction I had been searching in him. The way his fingers pulled my hair so hard that some was probably falling out, it was maddening. The way our bodies moulded together; I’d miss the way his body felt beneath mine.

His cold fingers curled under my shirt and rubbed my burning skin. At some point it was torn away from me and tossed to the other side of the room like the first time we made love.

Suddenly it all just came back and it hurt. This was it. Our kisses became more desperate and the mood changed. By the time we were both in our underwear, I could taste his salty tears on our lips as we kissed. I wasn’t even sure if this is how I wanted this to end.

I pulled back and we looked at each other. This wasn’t the Tyler that I fell in love; this was the Tyler that I broke. He offered me a small smile and I returned it. Together we lay down on our sides, facing each other. We both had more tear tracts. We both knew this was it.

I felt his cold fingers tangle in mine and I embraced it. We lay there like that in silence until he fell asleep. When he did, I took in the way his face looked for the last time before shutting my own eyes. I kept picturing it, holding on so I wouldn’t forget. I couldn’t forget.

I think we both knew that when he woke up, I’d be gone.


Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you liked it (let me know if you did) and if there's any errors feel free to point them out.

This is my first Troyler thing so I do hope it's okay. Bit sad, I know, but they're not all going to be like that, I promise! Please vote and let me know what you think. I dedicated this to one of my favourite writers on here even though I doubt she'll see it. Until my next one-shot,

Kathy xx

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