chapter fourteen

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"Do you know Clement?" the thin voice said, raising her perfectly plucked eyebrows.

"Oh Beatrice! He's such a hottie," Chelsea said. "The hot looking guy from Class A?"

"Rumors says that he's an ex of that girl," Beatrice added, "Maysique."

"That's horrible." I stepped forward towards the sink. I washed my hands as I kept on listening to their rants.

Well, It wasn't eavesdropping, or maybe it was. However, I'm just a bit curious about their conversation. It's kind-a intriguing.

"Anyway, let's change our topic."

"Have you seen the cosmopolitan magazine?" Beatrice added. "I looked stunning right?"

"Yeah, I loved your dress."

"It was sponsored by Channel."

I'm still watching my reflection in the mirror when the bell ringed, almost giving me a heart attack. I looked horrible. My freckles showed up and my cheeks were blushing. I grabbed my sweaty t-shirt and folded it. I kept it in my black bag and afterwards, I sanitized my hand. Look at these bitches.

"It's already time. Faster!"

"Oh bitch, I envied you," Chelsea whispered.

She gazed to the floor-to-ceiling mirror and said, "Wait. I'm almost done with my make up." She applied a touch of powder and said, "Done."

I let out a sigh as I heard them walked out from the comfort room. I was about to step when an idea came into my mind. Maysique. I'll get to know you soon.

I walked towards my uncle's office and then I stopped. I've reached the black modern door, showing its name: "Dean's office".

I twisted the cold metal doorknob and shouted, "Good afternoon, uncle!"

The color method used for his office were painting and furniture placement with details of elegant color dominance. There's a whole layer of detail of the colors wherein white abundance was plastered on the walls and floors. In addition, the placement of some furniture with a large size was also visible on his office.

Uncle was sitting on her chair, with full of piles of folders on his desk. I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"Zcyhie," Uncle said. He dropped his pen on his folder and glanced at me. I walked towards the sofa with a large size and white domination looked modern as it complemented with the marble floor.

On the other hand, the girl wearing a white dress pivoted her feet and looked at me, like she wasn't expecting me to come over there.

She folded her arms on her chest and in an irritated voice, she said, "What are you doing here?"

My face beamed with light as I replied, "Because he's my uncle?"

I halted for a while, showing my cold expression. "Besides, I'm the one who should be asking you that." Her cheeks were on fire because of my response.

"She wanted to change class." I was taken aback when I heard Uncle. My eyebrows furrowed, thinking. She wanted to change class? From class twelve B to A?

"I beg your pardon? Perhaps, I heard it wrong," I mumbled. My eyebrows flickered.

She faced me with a flickered eyebrow, eyes squinting. "Do you have a problem with me?"

Well, definitely yes! Yes, I have. I disregard my thoughts. I laughed for a bit, smiling wide and big, and said, "No, but let's be professional here."

Sleepless NightsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz