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"You've been too focused on Ming, you need to pay attention to yourself too. I've had to fight my way to meet you after classes." That's what Beam said to him one day, as they were having a lunch at the school cafeteria. Kit had just laughed it off and apologized to his friend, continuing to eat.

He knows he has been too involved with Ming's life the past months. Regardless of how Kit's personality has always been - he has always paid more attention to others and enjoying his time with friends - he has never forgot about his own well-being.

It's nothing too serious, just forgetting small things such eating once in a while. It's nothing serious until it begins to affect his daily life. Small things nearly always end up getting bigger if not dealt with early.

Ming isn't stupid and he definitely isn't blind. He's been unwell so he recognizes it from far.

The television is on, newsreader giving out the daily issues. Kit's eyes are tired, he tries to keep them open but without permission they keep shutting down. Ming sitting next to him, thinking hard how to talk to him.

"Hey-" Ming says and startles Kit awake, who now turns his gaze surprised at him, leaving a confused 'huh' out of his mouth. Ming smirks, thinking it's cute.

"Sorry, were you sleeping?" Ming asks and presses the red button on remote to turn off the television. Kit shakes his head and leans towards Ming's body, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Just a little sleepy, I haven't slept well recently," he mumbles and yawns right after.

Ming looks at Kit's face, he's so perfect, from his dark eyebrows to pink moist lips and everything between. He'd kill anyone who would bring harms on his way. "You can tell me you know," Ming whispers. Kit opens his eyes, staring blank forward. 

Kit is used to being the strong one. In fact, he hasn't had a problem with it, being there for Ming and all the struggles to this day. He's been a great listener and support, but talking about himself and his own struggles, he's not used to.

"It's nothing," Kit whispers back and pouts as he closes his eyes again. Ming shakes his head. "Kit, let me see you, you saw me and that's why I'm still here. So let me see you."

Kit sighs silently when he feels Ming's hand touch his own. Shivers rush through his spine. It's nothing Ming, it's just a bad day. Or a bad month. That happens.

"Really Ming, I'm fine," Kit says and gets up, flashing the most fake smile ever seen on his way. As he's about to walk away Ming pulls him back, Kit ending up sitting on his lap.  They just stare each other eye to eye, suddenly silence filling up the room. 

Out of nowhere Kit presses his lips on Ming's. Softly he replies by kissing him back. Kit feels him smile during the kiss. He pulls back, nose to nose, staring again.

Quiet 'mmh' leaves Ming's mouth as a question. Kit swallows and moves his hands to the other one's neck. Tiny shivers run through Ming's spine when he feels Kit's fingertips on his neck. Automatically he wraps his arms around the tinier body. 

They kiss again, it's weird because they haven't done this in forever. Ming had to focus on getting better. Kit never needed this. But there they are,  all upon each other. Even if it's weird, it's nice.

It's nice until Ming pulls back, seeing teary Kit in front of him.  "Huh? What's wrong?" he whispers. Kit sniffles, drying his eyes. Without a doubt he realized something he has been feeling for the past few months. "Ming.." Kit mumbles his voice cracking midway. Ming doesn't say a word, waiting for whatever he has to say. 

"I think I love you."

After that it's quiet, Ming can't stop blinking his eyes, slightly shocked by Kit's sudden confession. But it's too obvious, Ming knows Kit loves him a lot, no words needed for it. But still, it hits different hearing it out loud. 

"Well that was romantic," Ming finally smirks. "Is that's why those tears are escaping your eyes?" he continues, wiping them from Kit's cheeks with his thumb. Kit can't stop staring at Ming, unsure how to tell him. He has hidden certain things from his life for so long that at some point he started to believe they never happened. 

"I-I haven't told you everything and I'm scared to say it.. But I love you so I trust you," Kits says, taking a deep breath, gathering all his courage.

Ming wraps his arms tightly around him, waiting patiently. 

Kit swallows loudly. 

"From the age 6 to 8 I was constantly sexually harassed by our family friend.."

A/N: SO sorry this has taken so long, hope you enjoy!

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