Chapter 2 (TAKE ME TO HER)

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"Y-yo-you need to seeee t-th-the way he y-yelled at meee." Emily belched.

When she arrived in the bar earlier on, she had been attacked by a gang who wanted to harass her. But luckily, a guy had saved her from them.
Since she was drunk, she had then taken her time to tell him about her breakup, since she had no one else to tell.

Her life saver shook his head. "Oh...such a loss.."

"" She stared drunkily at the guy.

"I don't mean you. I mean the guy. . . He lost such a pretty lady." her lifesaver smiled.

"Yeah ..heee e-ev-even called m-meeee ugly...tsk tsk tsk." Emily clicked her tongue.

"Hmph. He's blind." her lifesaver grinned.

"Exactly!..even t-the blind ma-man can see that I am very-very beauti-ful!" Emily stated, propping herself up on her left elbow.

Her life saver raised his brow as if listening to something, and then stood up.

"I have to go now miss." He smiled down at drunk beauty.

"Ahhh...arasso." Emily nodded her head.

"May I know your name miss?" her lifesaver asked as he made to take his leave.

"Emily." Emily smiled.

"Thank you miss Emily, bye." her lifesaver smiled and walked out of the bar.

After her lifesaver left, Emily drank more liquor for a while before she decided to take her leave.

"Ahhh. . I better s-sstart going tooo." She staggered to her feet, and blindly, she found her way out of the bar.

Emily hadn't walked ten steps into the middle of the road when she felt a very stinging pain around her arm and slumped on the road.

"What the fuck." Joel cursed softly under her breath.

He stepped out of his car and checked his bonnet and wing to see if they had any scratch on them. After he was satisfied that his car had no scratches on it, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked down at the body on the ground and squatted beside the girl. He noticed that she was already unconscious and then, he carried her in a bridal style, opened the backdoor and placed her in the backseat. He then hopped in the car and drove off.

After driving for a while,he found a hospital by the roadside. He pressed on the brake and parked the car. He stepped out of the driver's side, opened the backseat and carried the girl out of the car.

Joel took long strides into the hospital and handed the girl over to first nurse that came his way.

The nurses at the front desk opened their mouths, drooling as they stared at Joel. They'd never in their life imagined seeing their city's sweetheart, the CEO of Empire World Corporation in their hospital. They couldn't help but keep gasping and whispering amongst themselves.

Ignoring the drilling gazes of the nurses, Joel took out a lighter and a pack of cigarette from his pocket. He tried tearing the pack when he saw the 'No Smoking' poster on the wall. He threw the pack of cigarette and lighter away in a trashcan closest to him and sat on the bench in the corridor, paying no attention to any of the nurses.

After a while, a male doctor walked towards the nurses at the front desk and said some things to them. One of the nurses pointed at Joel and the doctor nodded his head and walked towards Joel.
As he neared Joel,he got a full view of Joel's face and shook in fear.

'MR JOEL?! THE CEO OF EMPIRE WORLD?!!' he trembled.

He quickly bowed. ". . . Sir"

"The girl, how is she?" Joel asked coldly.

"She-she is-ss okay. J-just a broken leg and dislocated arm.She only p-passed out from shock." the doctor gulped nervously.

Joel nodded his head.

"Good. Noah will settle you." He stood up on his feet.

"Yes Sir." the doctor bowed.

Who didn't know Noah, the handsome personal assistant of the extraordinarily handsome CEO.

"Good night Sir." the doctor bowed his head again.

"Take me to her." Joel's mouth twitched.

"Ye?" the doctor stared at him bewilderedly.
(✍🏾A/N: ye means yes.)

Joel's face darkened.

"Ah,ye." the doctor quickly bowed his head.
(A/N✍🏾: in this case,ye meant yes sir.)

"This way sir." He said and led the way to the girl's ward.

The doctor halted in front of a door and was about to turn the knob when Joel stopped him with his cold voice.

"Leave." he ordered dismissively.

"Ahh,ye." The doctor bowed and quickly took his leave.

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