Chapter 13: Until we meet again!

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That night Daetrin woke up in the middle of the night. This always happened. He could never sleep when it was too hot outside. And so he opened the windows in order to let the cold air inside as he slowly went downstairs and went outside. He decided to take a walk near the lake and calm his mind a bit. But what he saw next surprised him more than anything ever did. He saw a woman in black dress talking with a pack member. And he recognized the pack member. He was one of the members responsible for the north border patrol. The border which was the cause of his father dying. And that woman....he would never forget a face like that. He remembers seeing her when they found out that Ophelia broke out. He tried to listen in on the conversation when he saw Ophelia stop talking and take in a deep breath.

"You can come out, Daetrin Otis Blackbourne...or should I say Sinclair. I can smell your power." She said and he gulped as he neared her. He saw the man's terrified face when he saw him. Seconds later he was standing right next to him as he looked at Ophelia.

"So, you were the one who betrayed us? I always knew there had to be someone who gave our secrets out to the enemy. I just never thought it would be you." He said as he looked at the man with anger and fury in his eyes. And the man turned around ready to run but Daetrin hit him at the back of his head which made the man fall unconscious.

"How are you here?" He asked Ophelia who smirked in return as she looked Daetrin up and down but she said nothing.

"I am going to stop you, I hope you know that, Ophelia. This ends now. Your maddness ends now." He said as he looked at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"And how are you going to do that? You destroy everything you touch or love, Daetrin. You loved your brother, father and a best friend. And what happened to them? They all died. You befriended the purple girl and she has died too. It is only a matter of time before you destroy this pack, this world and most importantly HIM." She said and he tried to block his emotions out but it was only hitting him now how dangerous he really was.

"That's not true." He said and she smiled wickedly knowing her words had impact on him.

"But it is... Your soulmate.. He doesn't really care, you know that, right? He knows you are too weak to protect anyone, so he sticks around in order to protect everyone from you. That's the truth and you know it. You could not do your job and so your friends, brother and father died. You, Daetrin, are a terrible guardian." She said as she referred to his job as a hellhound.

"You are supposed to protect the supernatural secrecy. Yet, human are getting suspicious. They know we exist which means that you failed at your job. You could have been a King, but instead you chose to serve one like the weakling you are. So, now, I will burn this world to the ground, but first I am coming for the crown." And at that he growled as he squeezed her neck and pinned her against the tree. And all she did was laugh.

"Shut up." He said and she just laughed even more.

"I expected more from the son of Cerberus and the one who could kill me, Kali Sinclair. You are the disappointment to your family, Daetrin. Gabriel blessed Kali for nothing. He had no idea it would all be for nothing." She said as she coughed and then she snapped her fingers and soon afterwards he was thrown off of her. He looked at her throat to see no mark at all.

"You think you could kill me? A weakling like you?" She asked and he was about to attack her but he found himself frozen in spot.

"I would really like to kill you right now, I really would, but Lucifer wants you in hell. And what Luci wants Luci gets." She said and smirked as she made him unfreeze but tied his legs with plants. He struggled to let loose but her power was bigger.

"Until we meet again, hellhound." She said as she disappeared in black smoke. And Daetrin wanted to scream as he tugged at the plants but he could not break them. He was almost about to give up when he saw the sun going up and he thought of something. He put his hands on the plants and focused on fire. Minutes later, the plants were burnt of off him. He tiredly got up, took the traitor over his shoulder and walked towards the dungeons. Few pack members were staring at him confused as he went and threw him in one of the dungeons. And then he went straight to the King's office.

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