The fish girl and thumb looking dinosaur

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As I flipped through the first pages of the file, I didn't find anything that particularly interested me... this 'other one' is just Frisk but in a different sweater, whats the big idea? She probably has DID (dissociative identity disorder). It's nothing new, some people have it, some people don't.

"You sure you don't just have D.I.D?" I questioned, obviously curious if she was that stupid  despite being top of the class.

"It's... kinda like that, but not at the same time."

"How do you mean?"

"It's like I become an entirely different person entirely..."

"Yeah, no shit, that's kinda what D.I.D is-"

"My appearance changes, too."

"Well, do you mean like... entirely different? Eye changing colour, hair too? Along with your body pretty much morphing into something different?"

"Yeah... you could say it's like that."

"Huh, weird."

There was silence for a few seconds before she finally blurted out another sentence.

"I... have to go now. I'll see you later."

Before  I could respond, she walks out the door and out of my house. Leaving me to wonder what the actual fuck she was on about, did I just have sex with a mentally unstable person?

I kept looking through that file, nothing of interest... at all? Maybe I shouldn't have gotten Sans to bother with it. All the file had was things that only directed to split personality disorder or DID.

Maybe I'll just play video games this off.


It was now 9:39PM. You were currently on the phone with your mate Joshua Woods... you were also looking at some "frisky" thing on the computer.

"Joshua, this is some good brunette shit."

"I know, right?"

"Fuck, is that a cornetto?"

Right then, you hear footsteps come up to your room. As fast as you can, you close the tab and tell Josh you have to go, before immediately hanging up. As the door opens, your mother comes in.

"Honey, can you take the trash out?"

"Sure, Mum."


You proceed to stand from the spinning chair, striding toward the door and to the garbage bin, taking the garbage bag out of the bin. You walk outside to the red bin, opening the lid and placing it in. You can't help but to feel that someone is watching you... but who?

Either way, you head back inside and start playing on the PC, but got bored rather quickly. Turning the PC off and heading over to the Xbox one, as you powered it on you still couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching you. Maybe that was Sans using the ripple? But why would he need to or watch me at all?

Oh well, nothing to worry about. You boot up RDR2 and start playing.

Somewhere around half an hour passes before you get that feeling again, but this time it won't leave.


I stood up, wondering what the actual hell is happening to me. Why do I feel like eyes are quite literally glued to me? Whats the big idea body? You trying to tell me something? I then headed over to the window, looking out of it and immediately recoiling after seeing this really horrifying figure that was in the treeline out back behind the fence of my backyard. What the honest fuck? It looked like a fucking standing up fish, and there was a second figure. Some fucking dwarf ass dinosaur looking shithead.

Can Two Souls Share The Same Heart? (Female! Frisk! x Male! Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now