Caterpillar sighed, "You idiot."

"Aw! Caterpillar and Cheshire looks cute!" Mady said, happily sipping her tea, her eyes back to normal as Mr. Rabbit tapped his foot beside the girl. They found him-- or more like, Mady found him wandering around the Castle grounds in search for Mady.

"Mady, where were you?" Mr. Rabbit asked in a suspecting tone, his eyes darting to the other two talking animals, gauging for their reaction since Mady was known for being the honest one. If the two took her somewhere with them, then surely, she will answer truthfully.

Caterpillar and Cheshire looked calm. Staring back at Mr. Rabbit with an amused look. 'He thinks he's winning. Heh.'

Mady hummed a little bit, bringing up her right palm to create a strong wall of vines and blocking out the approaching zombies.

Yes. She's drinking tea in the middle of a battlefield. What's wrong with that?

"Mady wanted to see the library in search for books about herbs! Cheshire and Caterpillar accompanied Mady and led her out the castle since she got lost!" Mady said, bringing out her sling bag and pulled out a thick book.

Hah. She learned how to lie.

Wonder where she took that from...

(Cheshire: *whistles a tune* Uh oh)

Cheshire purred, appearing beside Mr. Rabbit, "My, my... Mr. Rabbit, are you doubting us? Are you saying we kidnapped Mady somewhere? Are you? Are you?" Cheshire asked with a grin that didn't quite settle with Mr. Rabbit's stomach. His tone sounded cheery yet threatening. Even the most hard headed person would hesitate to engage an argument.

Luckily. Mr. Rabbit's not a hard headed person...

He's a talking hard-headed, white-furred, blue-eyed, time controlling rabbit.

"Hah? You lookin' for a fight, shitty cat? I didn't say anything so why would you even say that I suspect you and the parasite for kidnapping Mady? Unless you did kidnap Mady! Did you? Did you?" Mr. Rabbit asked, using the same tone Cheshire was using earlier but less intense.

"Stupid. If we did kidnap Mady then why is she sitting right... beside... us...?" Cheshire and Mr. Rabbit looked at Caterpillar since he stopped his sentence midway.

"Where'd Mady run off to?"

And that's a question they can't answer.

Well, maybe they can.

"Oh! I see her!" Cheshire exclaimed, the other two following his eyes and saw Mady running towards them with something cradled in her arms.

A beat up brown rabbit.

"No! No! Hands off me! I'll cut you!" The brown rabbit said, struggling to free himself from the girl's unexpectedly strong grip.

"Mady, put down the rat and let me clean you." Mr. Rabbit said with a blank look.

Cheshire and Caterpillar snickered, "Look, Absolem! The rat calling the other rat a rat!" Cheshire grinned prancing around Mr. Rabbit's back.

"Brown Rabbit-kun's hurt, Mr. Rabbit." Caterpillar said plainly, watching as Mady set the brown rabbit down on the table and healed him with her grimoire.

"Don't touch me! I'm the Mad Hare! I was born with a silver spoon! How dare you lay your hands on my beautiful fur!" The panicking rabbit tried running away but Mady already had her hands on him.

Mr. Rabbit scoffed, "First of all, we're already touching you. Second, we don't care about how you were born. Third, you look like a rag doll, I don't see how you were born with a silver spoon. And last, again, you're a rag doll so don't dream about having beautiful fur because I'm the only one here who has that kind of thing!" He said that all in one breath as everybody stared at him incredulously.




"Absolem. I think the rat lost it."

"Pardon me, Cheshire but which rat are we talking about?"

"Yay! Hare-chan is joining us!" Mady cheered.

Everybody's jaw dropped to the ground.

"Oh. I've decided. Mady lost it."

"Cheshire. We can't help that. She's already mad."

"Would Hare-chan like some tea?" Mady offered the Mad Hare.

It took a few requests until Mad Hare took her up on her offer and took the cup of tea from her hand.


Mad Hare closed his eyes then opened them again to look at Mady.

"Screw the rebellion. I'm coming with you as long as there is tea." Mad Hare declared, pointing at Mady.

"Oh, Mad Hare. If you're with Mady, you'll never run out of tea." Cheshire twirled on the table.

Mr. Rabbit sighed, "I should've known."

And right in the middle of the zombie-filled Clover Town, an alliance was formed between the chaotic Mad Hare and the equally chaotic Mad Hatter.

Well. We can't blame them.

They're mad, after all.

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